
Friday, March 09, 2012

Third wild Missouri deer tests positive for chronic wasting disease one mile from infected Heartland Ranch

Missouri Conservationist: Mar 2012


CWD Found in Wild Deer

MDC is working with hunters and landowners in Macon and Linn counties to keep Missouri a great place to hunt deer.

Ongoing monitoring of Missouri’s wild deer herd for chronic wasting disease (CWD) turned up two infected deer in January. Both of the CWD positive deer were adult males. They were tested along with more than 1,000 others that hunters in north-central Missouri voluntarily submitted for sampling during the 2011 November firearms deer season. The hunters who shot the infected deer have been notified of the positive tests.

Both CWD-positive deer were shot in Macon County, within 2 miles of captive-hunting preserves in Linn and Macon counties. Four white-tailed deer at those preserves have tested positive for CWD in the past two years.

With hunters’ help, MDC has conducted CWD tests on more than 34,000 free-ranging white-tailed deer statewide since 2002 to ensure that outbreaks of the disease are detected early enough to permit remedial action. The two freeranging deer with CWD were part of targeted testing that MDC undertook to determine if CWD was present in wild deer in the area surrounding the infected captive-hunting preserves.

In early February, again with hunters’ and landowners’ help, MDC began collecting more deer in Macon and Linn counties for CWD testing. Intensive sampling will continue during the 2012 firearms deer season to define the geographic extent of the CWD outbreak and determine how prevalent the disease is in the infected area.

“Teamwork among landowners, hunters and MDC staff allowed us to detect this infection early,” said Resource Scientist Jason Sumners. “Continuing that partnership is our best hope for containing what we believe to be a recent, localized event.”

Sumners noted that other states have gone years after similar, localized CWD outbreaks without detecting any additional cases of the disease in wild deer.

Columbia Missourian

Third wild Missouri deer tests positive for chronic wasting disease

By John McLaughlin

March 9, 2012 | 2:25 p.m. CST

COLUMBIA — The Missouri Conservation Department confirmed finding one additional wild white-tailed deer infected with chronic wasting disease — this time a doe.

The doe is the third wild Missouri deer found with the disease since testing began in 2002. The state's first two wild bucks infected with the syndrome were announced by the Conservation Department in late-January.

Chronic wasting disease lethally affects cervids such as elk, moose and deer.

The afflicted doe was killed within one mile of the Heartland Wildlife Ranch in Macon County and within about one-quarter of a mile from where Missouri’s first two infected wild bucks were killed, Jason Sumners, deer biologist for the Conservation Department, said.

The Missouri Agriculture Department announced Wednesday that two additional captive deer tested positive for the disease at the Macon County ranch. The ranch is in the process of killing all of its captive game as a result of previous infections, Christine Tew, Department of Agriculture spokeswoman said.

The infected wild doe was identified from about 650 recently slain deer that were provided by Macon and Linn County landowners, and conservation agents, Matt Wolken, supervisor at the Conservation Department’s northeast office, said.

Local landowners had been authorized to kill deer alongside conservation agents for out-of-season research in two 140-square-mile areas surrounding the infected private hunting preserves in Macon and Linn County, Sumners said.

The new hunt for the disease began after the Conservation Department announced finding the first two wild cases of chronic wasting disease in Missouri's wild deer.

The hunt was a means for the Conservation Department to assess the disease’s possible spread into Missouri’s wild, Sumners said.

The Conservation Department finished its hunt Sunday and sent off the last tissues samples Monday, he said. The department will announce the complete results and the implications for Missouri’s wild deer in about two weeks, as some samples have yet been processed, Sumners said.

Another wild deer harvested in the Heartland tests positive for a fatal illness

by Stephanie Claytor

Posted: 03.08.2012 at 7:34 PM


Matt Wolken, a Supervisor at the Missouri Department of Conservation's Northeast Regional Office, said the tissue samples of one deer found in the wild tested positive for CWD since they began sampling tissues this winter. The deer was found on property near the Heartland Wildlife Ranches in Macon County.

The additional sampling began in February after the Conservation Department found two cases of CWD in wild deer during the fall firearms season.


"We're doing the testing to find out how widespread this disease is or how widespread it is not. The good news is we have only found one so far. The Department will have to formulate what action it'll take when all the testing results are complete," said Wolken.

The Department of Conservation has authorized landowners living near the Heartland Wildlife Ranches to harvest 640 deer. Wolken said those deer have been killed and their tissue samples were then sent to a laboratory. The test results for 540 of those deer have been released. Wolken said all of the test results should be back by the end of March.

This additional discovery of CWD in another wild deer comes on the heels of the Missouri Department of Agriculture announcing on March 7 that the Heartland Wildlife Ranches found two additional cases of CWD in captive white-tailed deer harvested on their property. That brings the total number of cases of CWD found in deer on their property to three within the past five months. Also, the company owns a captive hunting preserve in Linn County where a deer was diagnosed with CWD in February of 2010. According to the Missouri Department of Agriculture, Heartland Wildlife Ranches has harvested 320 animals and is waiting for the test results of 40 remaining samples. The Department of Agriculture said there's no evidence that CWD can be transmitted to humans; however if the disease is not managed among deer populations, it could kill the entire herd.

March 7, 2012

Dept. of Ag Notified of Two Positive Tests for CWD at Macon County Facility

The Missouri Department of Agriculture has received two additional positive test results for Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) in white-tailed deer harvested at a captive wildlife facility in Macon County. Depopulation is continuing at the facility, operated by Heartland Wildlife Ranches, LLC, with approximately 320 animals harvested and tested since the facility's first positive result was found in October 2011.

MDA has received negative test results for approximately 280 animals, with results pending from the National Veterinary Services Laboratory for the roughly 40 remaining samples. The current harvest and testing protocol requires the facility to remain under its current quarantine until all animals have been harvested and tested for CWD, which is a neurological disease found in deer, elk and moose. There is no evidence CWD can be transmitted to humans or non-cervid animals, such as livestock and household pets.

For more information on CWD visit the Department online at

The CDC just released a paper on the concern of these game farms and CWD, and also CWD to humans risk factor update.

I kindly urge you to look at the map ;

which came first, the cart or the horse ;


Captive CWD discovered 1967

Free ranging CWD discovered 1981



*** Chronic Wasting Disease CWD CDC REPORT MARCH 2012 ***

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Occurrence, Transmission, and Zoonotic Potential of Chronic Wasting Disease

CDC Volume 18, Number 3—March 2012


Long-term effects of CWD on cervid populations and ecosystems remain unclear as the disease continues to spread and prevalence increases. In captive herds, CWD might persist at high levels and lead to complete herd destruction in the absence of human culling. Epidemiologic modeling suggests the disease could have severe effects on free-ranging deer populations, depending on hunting policies and environmental persistence (8,9). CWD has been associated with large decreases in free-ranging mule deer populations in an area of high CWD prevalence (Boulder, Colorado, USA) (5).


CWD Zoonotic Potential, Species Barriers, and Strains

Current Understanding of the CWD Species Barrier

Strong evidence of zoonotic transmission of BSE to humans has led to concerns about zoonotic transmission of CWD (2,3). As noted above, CWD prions are present nearly ubiquitously throughout diseased hosts, including in muscle, fat, various glands and organs, antler velvet, and peripheral and CNS tissue (2,14,15). Thus, the potential for human exposure to CWD by handling and consumption of infectious cervid material is substantial and increases with increased disease prevalence.

Interspecies transmission of prion diseases often yields a species-barrier effect, in which transmission is less efficient compared with intraspecies transmission, as shown by lower attack rates and extended incubation periods (3,28). The species barrier effect is associated with minor differences in PrPc sequence and structure between the host and target species (3). Prion strain (discussed below) and route of inoculation also affect the species barrier (3,28). For instance, interspecies transmission by intracerebral inoculation is often possible but oral challenge is completely ineffective (29).

Most epidemiologic studies and experimental work have suggested that the potential for CWD transmission to humans is low, and such transmission has not been documented through ongoing surveillance (2,3). In vitro prion replication assays report a relatively low efficiency of CWD PrPSc-directed conversion of human PrPc to PrPSc (30), and transgenic mice overexpressing human PrPc are resistant to CWD infection (31); these findings indicate low zoonotic potential. However, squirrel monkeys are susceptible to CWD by intracerebral and oral inoculation (32). Cynomolgus macaques, which are evolutionarily closer to humans than squirrel monkeys, are resistant to CWD infection (32). Regardless, the finding that a primate is orally susceptible to CWD is of concern.

Interspecies transmission of CWD to noncervids has not been observed under natural conditions. CWD infection of carcass scavengers such as raccoons, opossums, and coyotes was not observed in a recent study in Wisconsin (22). In addition, natural transmission of CWD to cattle has not been observed in experimentally controlled natural exposure studies or targeted surveillance (2). However, CWD has been experimentally transmitted to cattle, sheep, goats, mink, ferrets, voles, and mice by intracerebral inoculation (2,29,33).

CWD is likely transmitted among mule, white-tailed deer, and elk without a major species barrier (1), and other members of the cervid family, including reindeer, caribou, and other species of deer worldwide, may be vulnerable to CWD infection. Black-tailed deer (a subspecies of mule deer) and European red deer (Cervus elaphus) are susceptible to CWD by natural routes of infection (1,34). Fallow deer (Dama dama) are susceptible to CWD by intracerebral inoculation (35). Continued study of CWD susceptibility in other cervids is of considerable interest.

Reasons for Caution

There are several reasons for caution with respect to zoonotic and interspecies CWD transmission. First, there is strong evidence that distinct CWD strains exist (36). Prion strains are distinguished by varied incubation periods, clinical symptoms, PrPSc conformations, and CNS PrPSc depositions (3,32). Strains have been identified in other natural prion diseases, including scrapie, BSE, and CJD (3). Intraspecies and interspecies transmission of prions from CWD-positive deer and elk isolates resulted in identification of >2 strains of CWD in rodent models (36), indicating that CWD strains likely exist in cervids. However, nothing is currently known about natural distribution and prevalence of CWD strains. Currently, host range and pathogenicity vary with prion strain (28,37). Therefore, zoonotic potential of CWD may also vary with CWD strain. In addition, diversity in host (cervid) and target (e.g., human) genotypes further complicates definitive findings of zoonotic and interspecies transmission potentials of CWD.

Intraspecies and interspecies passage of the CWD agent may also increase the risk for zoonotic CWD transmission. The CWD prion agent is undergoing serial passage naturally as the disease continues to emerge. In vitro and in vivo intraspecies transmission of the CWD agent yields PrPSc with an increased capacity to convert human PrPc to PrPSc (30). Interspecies prion transmission can alter CWD host range (38) and yield multiple novel prion strains (3,28). The potential for interspecies CWD transmission (by cohabitating mammals) will only increase as the disease spreads and CWD prions continue to be shed into the environment. This environmental passage itself may alter CWD prions or exert selective pressures on CWD strain mixtures by interactions with soil, which are known to vary with prion strain (25), or exposure to environmental or gut degradation.

Given that prion disease in humans can be difficult to diagnose and the asymptomatic incubation period can last decades, continued research, epidemiologic surveillance, and caution in handling risky material remain prudent as CWD continues to spread and the opportunity for interspecies transmission increases. Otherwise, similar to what occurred in the United Kingdom after detection of variant CJD and its subsequent link to BSE, years of prevention could be lost if zoonotic transmission of CWD is subsequently identified,


*** Chronic Wasting Disease CWD CDC REPORT MARCH 2012 ***

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Occurrence, Transmission, and Zoonotic Potential of Chronic Wasting Disease

CDC Volume 18, Number 3—March 2012

see much more here ;

Thursday, February 09, 2012


and when these game farms claim they are testing, and everything is o.k., think again...

Saturday, February 04, 2012

Wisconsin 16 age limit on testing dead deer Game Farm CWD Testing Protocol Needs To Be Revised


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

New Supplement from Deer Antler Velvet, CWD, and CJD there from ?

New Deer Antler Velvet Extract Changes the World of Supplements

Saturday, March 03, 2012

Farm elk running wild Escaped Saskatchewan animals a threat to Manitoba herd

Friday, February 03, 2012

Wisconsin Farm-Raised Deer Farms and CWD there from 2012 report Singeltary et al

Saturday, February 04, 2012

Wisconsin 16 age limit on testing dead deer Game Farm CWD Testing Protocol Needs To Be Revised

Thursday, February 09, 2012

Colorado Farm-Raised Deer Farms and CWD there from 2012 report Singeltary et al

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Oppose Indiana House Bill 1265 game farming cervids

Monday, February 13, 2012

Stop White-tailed Deer Farming from Destroying Tennessee's Priceless Wild Deer Herd oppose HB3164

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

West Virginia Deer Farming Bill backed by deer farmers advances, why ? BE WARNED CWD

Sunday, October 04, 2009


Sunday, January 22, 2012

Chronic Wasting Disease CWD cervids interspecies transmission

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

White House budget proposes cuts to ag programs including TSE PRION disease aka mad cow type disease

Thursday, March 08, 2012

Dept. of Ag Notified of Two Positive Tests for CWD at Macon County Facility

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

CWD found in two free-ranging deer from Macon County Missouri

Friday, October 21, 2011

Chronic Wasting Disease Found in Captive Deer Missouri

Friday, February 26, 2010

Chronic wasting disease found in Missouri deer

kind regards, terry

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