
Friday, February 21, 2025

Deer don’t die from CWD, it’s the insurance companies, or it's a Government conspiracy?

Deer don’t die from CWD, it’s the insurance companies, or it's a Government conspiracy?

For all you …folks, that keep saying deer don’t die form CWD, or it's a Government conspiracy?

here’s your sign…

“The deer was found dead by a landowner and was severely emaciated.”


February 12, 2025

HARRISBURG -- The Pennsylvania Game Commission today announced an additional CWD-positive deer has been detected in the northeastern part of the state.

The deer, an adult male, was detected in Packer Township, Carbon County. This detection is the first in Carbon County and is more than 10 miles from any other confirmed CWD-positive deer. The deer was found dead by a landowner and was severely emaciated.

Ever seen a dead deer from Cwd?

That dog don’t hunt!

First chronic wasting disease case confirmed in Spokane County

SPOKANE- Washington’s first case of chronic wasting disease (CWD) has been confirmed in an adult female white-tailed deer that was found dead in the Fairwood area of north Spokane.

Case of Chronic Wasting Disease found in dead deer at Breckinridge County farm Oct 14, 2024 Updated Oct 14, 2024 The Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife said Monday that a case of the disease was found in a dead deer from a Breckinridge County deer farm. This is Kentucky's first case of CWD in a captive group of deer, the department said in a news release.


MADISON, Wis. – The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) confirms the first positive test result for chronic wasting disease (CWD) in a wild deer in Waushara County. The deer was found dead in early February in the town of Wautoma and is within 10 miles of the Marquette and Portage county borders.

Ever see a dead deer from Cwd?

CWD, Seeing is believing Videos Part 1, Part 2

The below video series is provided by the Mississippi State Deer Lab with many contributing Partners. Click image to find all videos in the series.

Seeing is Believing is a two part documentary film that hopes to increase awareness about chornic wasting disease (CWD). Although most hunters and landowners may never witness a clinically ill animal in an area with high CWD prevalence, the documentary demonstrates how CWD is certainly present, explains why it is a major concern, and how stakeholders are key to managing the disease. Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) developed these films in partnership with the Wyoming Game and Fish Department, Chronic Wasting Disease Alliance, Colorado Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, and multiple private conservation organizations.

CWD Seeing is believing part 1 Video

CWD Seeing is believing part 2 Video

Cwd videos

15 minute mark video shows sick deer with cwd, and this deer DIED FROM CWD, IT'S DOCUMENTED, commentator says ''so if anyone every tells you, that a deer has never died from CWD, think of this picture, because the Wisconsin Veterinary Lab told us, what when they looked at her sample under a microscope, she was the hottest animal they had ever seen, and that's in terms of the fluorescents that comes off the slide when the look at it, so, a lot of Prion in her system.''

''SCENTS AND LURES, we know that the Prion is shed in urine, and essentially the production of these products is unregulated, we have no idea, you can't tell where they come from, what species are in them, how many animals, how they are processed, there is really no rules about them, so we are concerned it is a way to bring the disease into new areas, and have us fighting on multiple fronts, AND there are zero risk synthetic options that are readily available in stores, so we have ask hunters to switch to zero risk options.''

see much more about 2 hours long...

TEXAS BREEDER DEER ESCAPEE WITH CWD IN THE WILD, or so the genetics would show?

OH NO, please tell me i heard this wrong, a potential Texas captive escapee with cwd in the wild, in an area with positive captive cwd herd?

apparently, no ID though. tell me it ain't so please...

23:00 minute mark

''Free Ranging Deer, Dr. Deyoung looked at Genetics of this free ranging deer and what he found was, that the genetics on this deer were more similar to captive deer, than the free ranging population, but he did not see a significant connection to any one captive facility that he analyzed, so we believe, Ahhhhhh, this animal had some captive ahhh, whatnot.''

Wyoming Cwd 2022 test results

key takeaways ;

CWD substantially reduces deer survival rates and suppresses population growth. 

Where CWD prevalence is high, deer populations are likely declining. 

If CWD continues to spread, it will eventually impact deer populations elsewhere.

Friday, February 21, 2025

Distribution of Chronic Wasting Disease in North America February 2025

Terry S. Singeltary Sr.

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