
Wednesday, May 15, 2024

FY 2025 Plant Pest and Disease Management and Disaster Prevention Program (PPDMDPP) and National Clean Plant Network (NCPN) program Singeltary Submission

FY 2025 Plant Pest and Disease Management and Disaster Prevention Program (PPDMDPP) and National Clean Plant Network (NCPN) program Singeltary Submission

National Policy Manager Julie Van Meter at


However, the following groups of crops are not considered specialty crops: grains (corn, wheat, rice, etc.), oil seed crops (canola, soy bean, camelina, etc), bio-energy crops (switchgrass, sugar cane, etc), forages (hay, alfalfa, clover, etc.), field crops (peanut, sugar beet, cotton, etc.), and plants federally controlled as illegal drug plants (cannabis, coca).

Greetings USDA et al @ FY 2025 Plant Pest and Disease Management and Disaster Prevention Program (PPDMDPP) and National Clean Plant Network (NCPN) program, 

With great urgency, I kindly wish to submit my concerns with FY 2025 Plant Pest and Disease Management and Disaster Prevention Program (PPDMDPP) and National Clean Plant Network (NCPN) program, with relations to some plants and such that have been omitted from said program, and why with great urgency they should/must be addressed, concerning Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy TSE Prion disease, Chronic Wasting Disease, Environmental Contamination, and updated of the TSE Prion via plants, namely the ones i am concerned with, in which have been omitted. 

Countries have already started to raise concern with Hay and Straw from locations where Chronic Wasting Disease CWD TSE Prion has been detected, and have ask that said plants must be accompanied by a certificate from a public veterinarian that the product has been harvested in states or provinces where Chronic Wasting Disease has not been detected on deer (see reference materials below). But, with CWD TSE Prion spreading without control across North America, Korea, Norway, Finland, and Sweden, the fact that plant uptake of the CWD TSE Prion, and transmission there from, has been proven in testing, along with the fact that spillover of CWD TSE Prion to other species, by oral routes, i.e. Humans, Monkeys, Cattle, Sheep, Pigs, rodents, raccoons, I believe that it is extremely important to add TSE Prion Disease to the FY 2025 Plant Pest and Disease Management and Disaster Prevention Program (PPDMDPP) and National Clean Plant Network (NCPN) program, without hesitation....

Thank You Kindly,

Terry S. Singeltary Sr., Bacliff, Texas 77518

“In addition, hay and straw from the United States and Canada must be accompanied by a certificate from a public veterinarian that the product has been harvested in states or provinces where Chronic Wasting Disease has not been detected on deer.”

Regulation No. 1599 of 2018 on additional requirements for the import of hay and straw for used for animal feed.

Country Norway

Type of law Regulation



In addition, hay and straw from the United States and Canada must be accompanied by a certificate from a public veterinarian that the product has been harvested in states or provinces where Chronic Wasting Disease has not been detected on deer.

9 Carrot plants as potential vectors for CWD transmission.

Paulina Soto1,2, Francisca Bravo-Risi1,2, Claudio Soto1, Rodrigo Morales1,2

1Department of Neurology, McGovern Medical School, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Houston, USA. 2Universidad Bernardo O’Higgins, Santiago, Chile

***> We show that edible plant components can absorb prions from CWD-contaminated soils and transport them to their aerial parts.

***> Our results indicate that edible plants could participate as vectors of CWD transmission


Carrot plants as potential vectors for CWD transmission

Paulina Sotoa,b, Francisca Bravo-Risia,b, Claudio Sotoa, and Rodrigo Moralesa,b

aDepartment of Neurology, McGovern Medical School, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Texas, USA; bUniversidad Bernardo O’Higgins, Santiago, Chile

Prion diseases are infectious neurodegenerative disorders afflicting humans and other mammals. These diseases are generated by the misfolding of the cellular prion protein into a disease-causing isoform. Chronic wasting disease (CWD) is a prevalent prion disease affecting cervids (captive and free-range). CWD is thought to be transmitted through direct animal contact or by indirect exposure to contaminated environments. Many studies have shown that infectious prions can enter the environment through saliva, feces, or urine from infected animals and decaying carcasses. However, we do not fully understand the specific contribution of each component to disease transmission events. Plants are logical environmental components to be evaluated since they grow in environments contaminated with CWD prions and are relevant for animal and human nutrition.

Aims: The main objective of this study is to study whether prions are transported to the roots and leaves of carrots, an edible plant commonly used in the human diet and as deer bait.

Methods: We have grown carrot plants in CWD-infected soils. After 90 days, we harvested the carrots and separated them from the leaves. The experiment was controlled by growing plants in soil samples treated with brain extracts from healthy animals. These materials were interrogated for their prion seeding activity using the Protein Misfolding Cyclic Amplification (PMCA) technique. Infectivity was evaluated in mouse bioassays (intracerebral injections in Tg1536 mice). The animals were sacrificed when they showed established signs of prion disease. Animals not displaying clinical signs were sacrificed at 600 days post-inoculation.

Results: The PMCA analysis demonstrated CWD seeding activity in soils contaminated with CWD prions, as well as in carrot plants (leaves and roots) grown on them. Bioassays demonstrated that both leaves and roots contained CWD prions in sufficient quantities to induce disease (92% attack rate). As expected, animals treated with prion-infected soils developed prion disease at shorter incubation periods (and complete attack rates) compared to plant components. Animals treated with soil and plant components exposed with CWD-free brain extracts did not display prion-associated clinical signs or evidence of sub-clinical prion infection.

Conclusions: We show that edible plant components can absorb prions from CWD contaminated soils and transport them to their aerial parts. Our results indicate that plants could participate as vectors of CWD transmission. Importantly, plants designated for human consumption represent a risk of introducing CWD prions into the human food chain.

Funded by: NIH

Grant number: R01AI132695

P.157: Uptake of prions into plants

Christopher Johnson1, Christina Carlson1, Matthew Keating1,2, Nicole Gibbs1, Haeyoon Chang1, Jamie Wiepz1, and Joel Pedersen1 1USGS National Wildlife Health Center; Madison, WI USA; 2University of Wisconsin - Madison; Madison, WI USA

Soil may preserve chronic wasting disease (CWD) and scrapie infectivity in the environment, making consumption or inhalation of soil particles a plausible mechanism whereby na€ıve animals can be exposed to prions. Plants are known to absorb a variety of substances from soil, including whole proteins, yet the potential for plants to take up abnormal prion protein (PrPTSE) and preserve prion infectivity is not known. In this study, we assessed PrPTSE uptake into roots using laser scanning confocal microscopy with fluorescently tagged PrPTSE and we used serial protein misfolding cyclic amplification (sPMCA) and detect and quantify PrPTSE levels in plant aerial tissues. Fluorescence was identified in the root hairs of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, as well as the crop plants alfalfa (Medicago sativa), barley (Hordeum vulgare) and tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) upon exposure to tagged PrPTSE but not a tagged control preparation. Using sPMCA, we found evidence of PrPTSE in aerial tissues of A. thaliana, alfalfa and maize (Zea mays) grown in hydroponic cultures in which only roots were exposed to PrPTSE. Levels of PrPTSE in plant aerial tissues ranged from approximately 4 £ 10 ¡10 to 1 £ 10 ¡9 g PrPTSE g ¡1 plant dry weight or 2 £ 105 to 7 £ 106 intracerebral ID50 units g ¡1 plant dry weight. Both stems and leaves of A. thaliana grown in culture media containing prions are infectious when intracerebrally-injected into mice.

***Our results suggest that prions can be taken up by plants and that contaminated plants may represent a previously unrecognized risk of human, domestic species and wildlife exposure to prions.


***Our results suggest that prions can be taken up by plants and that contaminated plants may represent a previously unrecognized risk of human, domestic species and wildlife exposure to prions. 


This study shows that plants can efficiently bind prions contained in brain extracts from diverse prion infected animals, including CWD-affected cervids. PrPSc attached to leaves and roots from wheat grass plants remains capable of seeding prion replication in vitro. Surprisingly, the small quantity of PrPSc naturally excreted in urine and feces from sick hamster or cervids was enough to efficiently contaminate plant tissue. Indeed, our results suggest that the majority of excreted PrPSc is efficiently captured by plants’ leaves and roots. Moreover, leaves can be contaminated by spraying them with a prion-containing extract, and PrPSc remains detectable in living plants for as long as the study was performed (several weeks). Remarkably, prion contaminated plants transmit prion disease to animals upon ingestion, producing a 100% attack rate and incubation periods not substantially longer than direct oral administration of sick brain homogenates. Finally, an unexpected but exciting result was that plants were able to uptake prions from contaminated soil and transport them to aerial parts of the plant tissue. Although it may seem farfetched that plants can uptake proteins from the soil and transport it to the parts above the ground, there are already published reports of this phenomenon (McLaren et al., 1960; Jensen and McLaren, 1960; Paungfoo-Lonhienne et al., 2008). The high resistance of prions to degradation and their ability to efficiently cross biological barriers may play a role in this process. The mechanism by which plants bind, retain, uptake, and transport prions is unknown. We are currently studying the way in which prions interact with plants using purified, radioactively labeled PrPSc to determine specificity of the interaction, association constant, reversibility, saturation, movement, etc.

Epidemiological studies have shown numerous instances of scrapie or CWD recurrence upon reintroduction of animals on pastures previously exposed to prion-infected animals. Indeed, reappearance of scrapie has been documented following fallow periods of up to 16 years (Georgsson et al., 2006), and pastures were shown to retain infectious CWD prions for at least 2 years after exposure (Miller et al., 2004). It is likely that the environmentally mediated transmission of prion diseases depends upon the interaction of prions with diverse elements, including soil, water, environmental surfaces, various invertebrate animals, and plants. However, since plants are such an important component of the environment and also a major source of food for many animal species, including humans, our results may have far-reaching implications for animal and human health. Currently, the perception of the risk for animal-to-human prion transmission has been mostly limited to consumption or exposure to contaminated meat; our results indicate that plants might also be an important vector of transmission that needs to be considered in risk assessment.

snip...see full text here ;

Grass Plants Bind, Retain, Uptake, and Transport Infectious Prions


56. Members considered that there is no evidence that crops grown on the land which received composted excreta from BSE-challenged animals pose a TSE risk to humans or animals. One member suggested that, as some of these animals are orally challenged with high doses of BSE-infected materials, and the distribution of infectivity in the digestive system is not completely understood, it might be premature to conclude that there is no infective agent in the manure.

Furthermore, an unpublished study had indicated low level absorption of PrP from soil by tomato plants although it should be noted that this study had not been repeated. Details of this work would be sent to the SEAC Secretary. Dr Matthews explained that most of the manure from animals challenged with high doses of BSE had already been composted and used for coppicing. Members agreed that the risks from disposal of residual manure from experimental animals would be much less than historic risks of on farm contamination from naturally infected animals at the height of the BSE epidemic. ...SNIP...END

In addition, hay and straw from the United States and Canada must be accompanied by a certificate from a public veterinarian that the product has been harvested in states or provinces where Chronic Wasting Disease has not been detected on deer.”

Regulation No. 1599 of 2018 on additional requirements for the import of hay and straw for used for animal feed.

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Regulation No. 1599 of 2018 on additional requirements for the import of hay and straw for used for animal feed.

Country Norway

Type of law Regulation




This Regulation seeks to prevent the spread of infectious animal diseases that can be caused by the importation of hay and straw used in animal feed from countries outside the European Economic Area. Hay and straw imported into Norway as animal feed must: (a) be accompanied by a confirmation from the manufacturer that the product has been stored for at least two months in the country of dispatch and harvested from farms where no animal manure has been fertilized during the past two years; and b) be accompanied by a certificate from a public veterinarian in the country of dispatch that the product has been harvested from farms where no restrictions have been set due to infectious animal disease. In addition, hay and straw from the United States and Canada must be accompanied by a certificate from a public veterinarian that the product has been harvested in states or provinces where Chronic Wasting Disease has not been detected on deer.

Attached files

Web site

Date of text

22 Oct 2018



Source language


Legislation Amendment


Original title

Forskrift om tilleggskrav ved import av høy og halm til dyrefôr.


Regulation prohibiting the importation of animals and infectious objects. on 22 Oct 2018

"Additionally, we have determined that prion seeding activity is retained for at least fifteen years at a contaminated site following attempted remediation."

Detection of prions in soils contaminated by multiple routes

Stuart Siegfried Lichtenberg1,2 , Heather Inzalaco3 , Sam Thomas4 , Dan Storm5 , Dan Walsh6

1Department of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota, U.S.A.

2Minnesota Center for Prion Research and Outreach, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota, U.S.A.

3 Wisconsin Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit, Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, U.S.A

4Department of Soil Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, U.S.A.

5Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Eau Claire, Wisconsin, U.S.A.

6U.S. Geological Survey, Montana Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit, University of Montana, Missoula, Montana, U.S.A.

Aims: Free-ranging animals afflicted with transmissible spongiform encephalopathies frequently shed infectious prions into the broader environment. The quintessential example is chronic wasting disease, the TSE of cervids. Over the course of the disease, an infected animal will shed infectious prions in blood, urine, saliva, and feces. Upon death, the total prion load interred in the animal’s tissues will be deposited wherever the animal falls. This contamination creates substantial risk to naïve animals, and likely contributes to disease spread. Identification and quantification of prions at contamination hotspots is essential for any attempt at mitigation of environmental transmission.

Materials and Methods: Surfactant extraction of soils followed by precipitation yields a sample that is amenable to analysis by real-time quaking induced conversion. However, differences in extraction yield are apparent depending on the properties of the matrix from which the prions are being extracted, principally soil clay content.

Results: We are able to detect prion seeding activity at multiple types of environmental hotspots, including carcass sites, contaminated captive facilities, and scrapes (i.e. urine and saliva). Differences in relative prion concentration vary depending on the nature and source of the contamination. Additionally, we have determined that prion seeding activity is retained for at least fifteen years at a contaminated site following attempted remediation.

Conclusions: Detection of prions in the environment is of the utmost importance for controlling chronic wasting disease spread. Here, we have demonstrated a viable method for detection of prions in complex environmental matrices. However, it is quite likely that this method underestimates the total infectious prion load in a contaminated sample, due to incomplete recovery of infectious prions. Further refinements are necessary for accurate quantification of prions in such samples, and to account for the intrinsic heterogeneities found in the broader environment.

Funded by: Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources


Prion 2023 Abstracts

***> Infectious agent of sheep scrapie may persist in the environment for at least 16 years

***> Nine of these recurrences occurred 14–21 years after culling, apparently as the result of environmental contamination, but outside entry could not always be absolutely excluded.


Infectious agent of sheep scrapie may persist in the environment for at least 16 years Free

Rapid recontamination of a farm building occurs after attempted prion removal

First published: 19 January 2019

The data illustrates the difficulty in decontaminating farm buildings from scrapie, and demonstrates the likely contribution of farm dust to the recontamination of these environments to levels that are capable of causing disease. snip...

This study clearly demonstrates the difficulty in removing scrapie infectivity from the farm environment. Practical and effective prion decontamination methods are still urgently required for decontamination of scrapie infectivity from farms that have had cases of scrapie and this is particularly relevant for scrapie positive goatherds, which currently have limited genetic resistance to scrapie within commercial breeds.24 This is very likely to have parallels with control efforts for CWD in cervids.

***>This is very likely to have parallels with control efforts for CWD in cervids.

Front. Vet. Sci., 14 September 2015 |

Objects in contact with classical scrapie sheep act as a reservoir for scrapie transmission

In conclusion, the results in the current study indicate that removal of furniture that had been in contact with scrapie-infected animals should be recommended, particularly since cleaning and decontamination may not effectively remove scrapie infectivity (31), even though infectivity declines considerably if the pasture and the field furniture have not been in contact with scrapie-infected sheep for several months. As sPMCA failed to detect PrPSc in furniture that was subjected to weathering, even though exposure led to infection in sheep, this method may not always be reliable in predicting the risk of scrapie infection through environmental contamination.

172. Establishment of PrPCWD extraction and detection methods in the farm soil

Conclusions: Our studies showed that PrPCWD persist in 0.001% CWD contaminated soil for at least 4 year and natural CWD-affected farm soil. When cervid reintroduced into CWD outbreak farm, the strict decontamination procedures of the infectious agent should be performed in the environment of CWD-affected cervid habitat.

Plants as vectors for environmental prion transmission

Published: November 09, 2023DOI:

Advertisement Highlights

• Abnormal prion protein can enter the roots of plants

• Plants can translocate detectable levels of prions to aerial tissues

•Animals exposed to prion-contaminated plant tissues can acquire disease

•Contaminated plants may represent a route of prion exposure


Nonetheless, our finding of accumulation of two prion strains by a variety of plants grown hydroponically, in agar, or on soil supports the potential for plants to acquire CWD, scrapie, or other prions from the environment and transmit prion disease to susceptible hosts, making plants a plausible vector for prion diseases in wildlife, livestock, and humans. The potential for plants to serve as vectors for prion disease has implications for the disposal of infected carcasses, grazing practices, and the use and transport of potentially contaminated crop materials.

Chronic wasting disease detection in environmental and biological samples from a taxidermy site
Paulina Sotoa,b, J. Hunter Reedc, Mitch Lockwoodc, and Rodrigo Moralesa,b
aDepartment of Neurology, McGovern Medical School, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Texas, USA; bUniversidad Bernardo O’Higgins, Santiago, Chile; cTexas Parks and Wildlife Department, Texas, USA
Chronic wasting disease (CWD) is a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy affecting captive and free-ranging cervids (e.g., mule deer, white-tailed deer, elk, reindeer, and moose). Nowadays, CWD is widely distributed in North America. It is suggested that CWD spreads due to direct animal contact or through exposure to contaminated environments previously inhabited by infected animals. CWD may also be spread through the movement of infected animals and carcasses. Taxidermy practices involve processing deer tissues (or whole animal carcasses). In many cases, the CWD status of processed animals is unknown. This can generate risks of disease spread and transmission. Taxidermy practices include different steps involving physical, chemical, and biological procedures. Without proper tissue handling or disposal practices, taxidermist facilities may become a focus of prion infectivity.
Aims: In this study, we evaluated the presence of infectious prions in a taxidermy facility believed to be exposed to CWD. Detection was performed using the Protein Misfolding Cyclic Amplification (PMCA) technique in biological and inert environmental samples.
Methods: We collected biological and environmental samples (plants, soils, insects, excreta, and others) from a taxidermy facility, and we tested these samples using the PMCA technique. In addition, we swabbed different surfaces possibly exposed to CWD-infected animals. For the PMCA reaction, we directly used a swab piece or 10 µL of 20% w/v homogenized samples.
Results: The PMCA analysis demonstrated CWD seeding activity in some of the components of this facility, including insects involved in head processing, soils, and a trash dumpster.
Conclusions: Different areas of this property were used for various taxidermy procedures. We were able to detect the presence of prions in i) soils that were in contact with the heads of dead animals, ii) insects involved in the cleaning of skulls, and iii) an empty dumpster where animal carcasses were previously placed. This is the first report demonstrating that swabbing is a helpful method to screen for prion infectivity on surfaces potentially contaminated with CWD. These findings are relevant as this swabbing and amplification strategy may be used to evaluate the disease status of other free-ranging and captive settings where there is a concern for CWD transmissions, such as at feeders and water troughs with CWD-exposed properties. This approach could have substantial implications for free-ranging cervid surveillance as well as in epidemiological investigations of CWD.
Funded by: USDA
Grant number: AP20VSSPRS00C143
PRION 2022 ABSTRACTS, AND A BIG THANK YOU TO On behalf of the Prion2020/2022 Congress Organizing Committee and the NeuroPrion Association, we heartily invite you to join us for the International Conference Prion2020/2022 from 13.-16. September 2022 in Göttingen.

Prion 2022 Conference abstracts: pushing the boundaries

Large-scale PMCA screening of retropharyngeal lymph nodes and in white-tailed deer and comparisons with ELISA and IHC: the Texas CWD study

Rebeca Benaventea, Paulina Sotoa, Mitch Lockwoodb, and Rodrigo Moralesa aDepartment of Neurology, McGovern Medical School, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Texas, USA; bTexas Park and Wildlife Department, Texas, USA

Chronic wasting disease (CWD) is a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy that affects various species of cervids, and both free-ranging and captive animals. Until now, CWD has been detected in 3 continents: North America, Europe, and Asia. CWD prevalence in some states may reach 30% of total animals. In Texas, the first case of CWD was reported in a free-range mule deer in Hudspeth and now it has been detected in additional 14 counties. Currently, the gold standard techniques used for CWD screening and detection are ELISA and immunohistochemistry (IHC) of obex and retropharyngeal lymph nodes (RPLN). Unfortunately, these methods are known for having a low diagnostic sensitivity. Hence, many CWD-infected animals at pre-symptomatic stages may be misdiagnosed. Two promising in vitro prion amplification techniques, including the real-time quaking-induced conversion (RT-QuIC) and the protein misfolding cyclic amplification (PMCA) have been used to diagnose CWD and other prion diseases in several tissues and bodily fluids. Considering the low cost and speed of RT-QuIC, two recent studies have communicated the potential of this technique to diagnose CWD prions in RPLN samples. Unfortunately, the data presented in these articles suggest that identification of CWD positive samples is comparable to the currently used ELISA and IHC protocols. Similar studies using the PMCA technique have not been reported.

Aims: Compare the CWD diagnostic potential of PMCA with ELISA and IHC in RPLN samples from captive and free-range white-tailed deer. Material and Methods: In this study we analyzed 1,003 RPLN from both free-ranging and captive white-tailed deer collected in Texas. Samples were interrogated with the PMCA technique for their content of CWD prions. PMCA data was compared with the results obtained through currently approved techniques.

Results: Our results show a 15-fold increase in CWD detection in free-range deer compared with ELISA. Our results unveil the presence of prion infected animals in Texas counties with no previous history of CWD. In the case of captive deer, we detected a 16% more CWD positive animals when compared with IHC. Interestingly, some of these positive samples displayed differences in their electroforetic mobilities, suggesting the presence of different prion strains within the State of Texas.

Conclusions: PMCA sensitivity is significantly higher than the current gold standards techniques IHC and ELISA and would be a good tool for rapid CWD screening.

Funded by: USDA

Grant number: AP20VSSPRS00C143

PRION 2022 ABSTRACTS, AND A BIG THANK YOU TO On behalf of the Prion2020/2022 Congress Organizing Committee and the NeuroPrion Association, we heartily invite you to join us for the International Conference Prion2020/2022 from 13.-16. September 2022 in Göttingen.

Prion 2022 Conference abstracts: pushing the boundaries

Shedding of Chronic Wasting Disease Prions in Multiple Excreta Throughout Disease Course in White-tailed Deer

Nathaniel D. Denkersa, Erin E. McNultya, Caitlyn N. Krafta, Amy V. Nallsa, Joseph A. Westricha, Wilfred Goldmannb, Candace K. Mathiasona, and Edward A. Hoovera

aPrion Research Center, College of Veterinary Medicine and Biological Sciences, Department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Pathology; Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, USA; bDivision of Infection and Immunity, The Roslin Institute and the Royal Dick School of Veterinary Studies, University of Edinburgh, Midlothian, UK

Aims: Chronic wasting disease (CWD) now infects cervids in South Korea, North America, and Scandinavia. CWD is unique in its efficient transmission and shedding of prions in body fluids throughout long course infections. Questions remain as to the magnitude of shedding and the route of prion acquisition. As CWD continues to expand, the need to better understand these facets of disease becomes more pertinent. The purpose of the studies described was to define the longitudinal shedding profile of CWD prions in urine, saliva, and feces throughout the course of infection in white-tailed deer.

Material and Methods: Twelve (12) white-tailed deer were inoculated with either 1 mg or 300ng of CWD. Urine, saliva, and feces were collected every 3-month post-inoculation (MPI) throughout the study duration. Cohorts were established based on PNRP genotype: codon 96 GG (n = 6) and alternate codons 96 GS (n = 5) & 103NT (n = 1). Urine and saliva were analyzed using iron-oxide magnetic extraction (IOME) and real-time quaking induced conversion (RT-QuIC)(IQ). Feces were subjected to IOME, followed by 4 rounds protein misfolding cyclic amplification (PMCA) with products analyzed by RT-QuIC (IPQ). To determine whether IPQ may be superior to IQ, a subset of urine and saliva were also tested by IPQ. Results were compared with clinical disease status.

Results: Within the 96 GG cohort, positive seeding activity was detected in feces from all deer (100%), in saliva from 5 of 6 (83%), and in urine from 4 of 6 (66%). Shedding in all excreta occurred at, or just after, the first positive tonsil biopsy result. In the 96 GS/103NT cohort, positive seeding activity could be detected in feces from 3 of 6 (50%) deer, saliva in 2 of 6 (33%), and urine in 1 of 6 (16%). Shedding in excreta was detected >5 months after the first tonsil positive result. Four of six 96 GG deer developed clinical signs of CWD, whereas only 2 of the 96 GS/103NT did. Shedding was more frequently detected in deer with clinical disease. The IPQ protocol did not significantly improve detection in saliva or urine samples, however, it significantly augmented detection in feces by eliminating non-specific background commonly experienced with IQ. Negative control samples remained negative in samples tested.

Conclusions: These studies demonstrate: (a) CWD prion excretion occurs throughout infection; (2) PRNP genotype (GG≫GS/NT) influences the excreta shedding; and (3) detection sensitivity in excreta can vary with different RT-QuIC protocols. These results provide a more complete perspective of prion shedding in deer during the course of CWD infection.

Funded by: National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Grant number: RO1-NS061902-09 R to EAH, PO1-AI077774 to EAH, and R01-AI112956-06 to CKM

Acknowledgement: We abundantly thank Sallie Dahmes at WASCO and David Osborn and Gino D’Angelo at the University of Georgia Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources for their long-standing support of this work through provision of the hand-raised, CWD-free, white-tailed deer used in these studies

Carrot plants as potential vectors for CWD transmission

Paulina Sotoa,b, Francisca Bravo-Risia,b, Claudio Sotoa, and Rodrigo Moralesa,b

aDepartment of Neurology, McGovern Medical School, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Texas, USA; bUniversidad Bernardo O’Higgins, Santiago, Chile

Prion diseases are infectious neurodegenerative disorders afflicting humans and other mammals. These diseases are generated by the misfolding of the cellular prion protein into a disease-causing isoform. Chronic wasting disease (CWD) is a prevalent prion disease affecting cervids (captive and free-range). CWD is thought to be transmitted through direct animal contact or by indirect exposure to contaminated environments. Many studies have shown that infectious prions can enter the environment through saliva, feces, or urine from infected animals and decaying carcasses. However, we do not fully understand the specific contribution of each component to disease transmission events. Plants are logical environmental components to be evaluated since they grow in environments contaminated with CWD prions and are relevant for animal and human nutrition.

Aims: The main objective of this study is to study whether prions are transported to the roots and leaves of carrots, an edible plant commonly used in the human diet and as deer bait.

Methods: We have grown carrot plants in CWD-infected soils. After 90 days, we harvested the carrots and separated them from the leaves. The experiment was controlled by growing plants in soil samples treated with brain extracts from healthy animals. These materials were interrogated for their prion seeding activity using the Protein Misfolding Cyclic Amplification (PMCA) technique. Infectivity was evaluated in mouse bioassays (intracerebral injections in Tg1536 mice). The animals were sacrificed when they showed established signs of prion disease. Animals not displaying clinical signs were sacrificed at 600 days post-inoculation.

Results: The PMCA analysis demonstrated CWD seeding activity in soils contaminated with CWD prions, as well as in carrot plants (leaves and roots) grown on them. Bioassays demonstrated that both leaves and roots contained CWD prions in sufficient quantities to induce disease (92% attack rate). As expected, animals treated with prion-infected soils developed prion disease at shorter incubation periods (and complete attack rates) compared to plant components. Animals treated with soil and plant components exposed with CWD-free brain extracts did not display prion-associated clinical signs or evidence of sub-clinical prion infection.

Conclusions: We show that edible plant components can absorb prions from CWD contaminated soils and transport them to their aerial parts. Our results indicate that plants could participate as vectors of CWD transmission. Importantly, plants designated for human consumption represent a risk of introducing CWD prions into the human food chain.

Funded by: NIH

Grant number: R01AI132695

October 6th-12th, 126th Meeting 2022 Resolutions 



SUBJECT MATTER: Chronic Wasting Disease Carcass Disposal Dumpster Management and Biosecurity


State and tribal wildlife agencies may identify collection points (dumpsters) within an identified chronic wasting disease (CWD) management zone for the disposal of hunter-harvested cervid carcasses to remove potentially infected carcasses off the landscape for disposal by an approved method (Gillin & Mawdsley, 2018, chap.14). However, depending on their placement and maintenance these dumpsters could potentially increase the risk of CWD transmission.

In several different states, photographic evidence has shown dumpsters in state identified CWD management zones overflowing with deer carcasses and limbs scattered on the land nearby. This could provide an opportunity for scavengers to potentially move infected carcass material to non-infected zones or increase contamination of the ground material around the dumpster’s location.

Federal guidance does not explicitly address uniform standards for collection locations for carcasses of free-ranging cervids; however, the United States Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Veterinary Services Program Standards on CWD outlines procedures for carcass disposal, equipment sanitation, and decontamination of premises for captive cervid facilities.


The United States Animal Health Association urges the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (AFWA), Wildlife Health Committee to further refine the AFWA Technical Report on Best Management Practices for Prevention, Surveillance, and Management of Chronic Wasting Disease; Chapter 14, Carcass Disposal to address the placement and management of chronic wasting disease carcass disposal dumpsters or other carcass collection containers.


1. Gillin, Colin M., and Mawdsley, Jonathan R. (eds.). 2018. AFWA Technical Report on Best Management Practices for Surveillance, Management and Control of Chronic Wasting Disease. Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Washington, D. C. 111 pp. 

Trucking CWD TSE PrP
Friday, December 14, 2012 

DEFRA U.K. What is the risk of Chronic Wasting Disease CWD being introduced into Great Britain? A Qualitative Risk Assessment October 2012 


The rate of transmission of CWD has been reported to be as high as 30% and can approach 100% among captive animals in endemic areas (Safar et al., 2008). 


In summary, in endemic areas, there is a medium probability that the soil and surrounding environment is contaminated with CWD prions and in a bioavailable form. In rural areas where CWD has not been reported and deer are present, there is a greater than negligible risk the soil is contaminated with CWD prion. 


In summary, given the volume of tourists, hunters and servicemen moving between GB and North America, the probability of at least one person travelling to/from a CWD affected area and, in doing so, contaminating their clothing, footwear and/or equipment prior to arriving in GB is greater than negligible. For deer hunters, specifically, the risk is likely to be greater given the increased contact with deer and their environment. However, there is significant uncertainty associated with these estimates. 


Therefore, it is considered that farmed and park deer may have a higher probability of exposure to CWD transferred to the environment than wild deer given the restricted habitat range and higher frequency of contact with tourists and returning GB residents. 


THE tse prion aka mad cow type disease is not your normal pathogen.

The TSE prion disease survives ashing to 600 degrees celsius, that’s around 1112 degrees farenheit.

you cannot cook the TSE prion disease out of meat.

you can take the ash and mix it with saline and inject that ash into a mouse, and the mouse will go down with TSE.

Prion Infected Meat-and-Bone Meal Is Still Infectious after Biodiesel Production as well.

the TSE prion agent also survives Simulated Wastewater Treatment Processes.

IN fact, you should also know that the TSE Prion agent will survive in the environment for years, if not decades.

you can bury it and it will not go away.

The TSE agent is capable of infected your water table i.e. Detection of protease-resistant cervid prion protein in water from a CWD-endemic area.

it’s not your ordinary pathogen you can just cook it out and be done

New studies on the heat resistance of hamster-adapted scrapie agent: Threshold survival after ashing at 600°C suggests an inorganic template of replication

Prion Infected Meat-and-Bone Meal Is Still Infectious after Biodiesel Production

Detection of protease-resistant cervid prion protein in water from a CWD-endemic area

Prions in Waterways

A Quantitative Assessment of the Amount of Prion Diverted to Category 1 Materials and Wastewater During Processing

Rapid assessment of bovine spongiform encephalopathy prion inactivation by heat treatment in yellow grease produced in the industrial manufacturing process of meat and bone meals


BSE infectivity survives burial for five years with only limited spread

“Transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) agents have strain variations that influence disease phenotype and may affect the potential for interspecies transmission. Since deer and sheep may use the same grazing land, it is important to understand the potential transmission of TSEs between these species. The US scrapie isolate (No.13-7) had a 100% attack rate in white-tailed deer after oronasal challenge.”


CIDRAP launches international effort to prepare for possible chronic wasting disease spillover

Chronic Wasting Disease CWD TSE Prion Spillover to other Species, What If?

CWD, Plants, oh my…

***> Price of TSE Prion Poker goes up substantially, all you cattle ranchers and such, better pay close attention here...terry

Prion Conference 2023

Transmission of the chronic wasting disease agent from elk to cattle after oronasal exposure

Justin Greenlee, Jifeng Bian, Zoe Lambert, Alexis Frese, and Eric Cassmann Virus and Prion Research Unit, National Animal Disease Center, USDA-ARS, Ames, IA, USA

Aims: The purpose of this study was to determine the susceptibility of cattle to chronic wasting disease agent from elk.

Materials and Methods: Initial studies were conducted in bovinized mice using inoculum derived from elk with various genotypes at codon 132 (MM, LM, LL). Based upon attack rates, inoculum (10% w/v brain homogenate) from an LM132 elk was selected for transmission studies in cattle. At approximately 2 weeks of age, one wild type steer (EE211) and one steer with the E211K polymorphism (EK211) were fed 1 mL of brain homogenate in a quart of milk replacer while another 1 mL was instilled intranasally. The cattle were examined daily for clinical signs for the duration of the experiment. One steer is still under observation at 71 months post-inoculation (mpi).

Results: Inoculum derived from MM132 elk resulted in similar attack rates and incubation periods in mice expressing wild type or K211 bovine PRNP, 35% at 531 days post inoculation (dpi) and 27% at 448 dpi, respectively. Inoculum from LM132 elk had a slightly higher attack rates in mice: 45% (693 dpi) in wild type cattle PRNP and 33% (468) in K211 mice. Inoculum from LL132 elk resulted in the highest attack rate in wild type bovinized mice (53% at 625 dpi), but no K211 mice were affected at >700 days. At approximately 70 mpi, the EK211 genotype steer developed clinical signs suggestive of prion disease, depression, low head carriage, hypersalivation, and ataxia, and was necropsied. Enzyme immunoassay (IDEXX) was positive in brainstem (OD=4.00, but non-detect in retropharyngeal lymph nodes and palatine tonsil. Immunoreactivity was largely limited to the brainstem, midbrain, and cervical spinal cord with a pattern that was primarily glia-associated.

Conclusions: Cattle with the E211K polymorphism are susceptible to the CWD agent after oronasal exposure of 0.2 g of infectious material.

"Cattle with the E211K polymorphism are susceptible to the CWD agent after oronasal exposure of 0.2 g of infectious material."


Strain characterization of chronic wasting disease in bovine-PrP transgenic mice

Conclusions: Altogether, these results exhibit the diversity of CWD strains present in the panel of CWD isolates and the ability of at least some CWD isolates to infect bovine species. Cattle being one of the most important farming species, this ability represents a potential threat to both animal and human health, and consequently deserves further study.

"Altogether, these results exhibit the diversity of CWD strains present in the panel of CWD isolates and the ability of at least some CWD isolates to infect bovine species. Cattle being one of the most important farming species, this ability represents a potential threat to both animal and human health, and consequently deserves further study."


Cattle with the EK211 PRNP polymorphism are susceptible to the H-type bovine spongiform encephalopathy agent from either E211K or wild type donors after oronasal inoculation

Justin J. Greenleea, Eric D. Cassmanna, S. Jo Moorea,b, and M. Heather West Greenleec

aVirus and Prion Research Unit, National Animal Disease Center, ARS, United States Department of Agriculture, Ames, IA, USA; bOak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE), U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, TN, US; cDepartment of Biomedical Sciences, Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine, Ames, IA, US

Aims: In 2006, a case of H-type bovine spongiform encephalopathy (H-BSE) was reported in a cow with a previously unreported prion protein polymorphism (E211K). The E211K polymorphism is heritable and homologous to the E200K mutation in humans that is the most frequent PRNP mutation associated with familial Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Although the prevalence of the E211K polymorphism is low, cattle carrying the K211 allele develop H-type BSE with a rapid onset after experimental inoculation by the intracranial route. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the agents of H-type BSE or H-type BSE associated with the E211K polymorphism transmit to wild type cattle or cattle with the K211 allele after oronasal exposure.

Material and Methods: Wild type (EE211) or heterozygous (EK211) cattle were oronasally inoculated with the H-BSE agent from either the US 2004 case (wild type donor; n = 3) or from the US 2006 case with the E211K polymorphism (n = 4). Cattle were observed daily throughout the course of the experiment for the development of clinical signs. When signs were noted, animals were euthanized and necropsied. Cattle were confirmed positive for abnormal BSE prions by enzyme immunoassay (EIA; Idexx HerdChek BSE Ag Test), anti-PrP immunohistochemistry (IHC) on brainstem, and microscopic examination for vacuolation.

Results: Three-out-of-four (75%) calves with the EK211 genotype developed clinical signs of H-BSE including inattentiveness, loss of body condition, weakness, ataxia, and muscle fasciculations and were euthanized. Two of the positive EK211 steers received H-BSE US 2004 inoculum (Incubation Period (IP): 59.3 and 72.3 months) while the other positive steer received the E211K H-BSE inoculum (IP: 49.7 months). EIA confirmed that abundant misfolded protein (O.D. 2.57–4.0) in the brainstem, and IHC demonstrated PrPScthroughout the brain. All wild type recipient cattle and a single EK211 steer remained asymptomatic for the duration of the experiment (approximately 7 years post-inoculation) and no abnormal prion protein was detected in these cattle by EIA.

Conclusions: This study demonstrates that the H-type BSE agent is transmissible by the oronasal route. Cattle with the EK211 genotype are oronasally susceptible to small doses of the H-BSE agent from either EK211 or EE211 (wild type) donors. Wild-type EE211 cattle remained asymptomatic for the duration of the experiment with this small dose (0.1 g) of inoculum. These results reinforce the need for ongoing surveillance for classical and atypical BSE to minimize the risk of potentially infectious tissues entering the animal or human food chains.

Funded by: US Department of Agriculture

CWD Deer Herd Population Declines

CWD poses a significant threat to the future of hunting in Texas. Deer population declines of 45 and 50 percent have been documented in Colorado and Wyoming. A broad infection of Texas deer populations resulting in similar population impacts would inflict severe economic damage to rural communities and could negatively impact land markets. Specifically, those landowners seeking to establish a thriving herd of deer could avoid buying in areas with confirmed CWD infections. As they do with anthrax-susceptible properties, land brokers may find it advisable to inquire about the status of CWD infections on properties that they present for sale. Prospective buyers should also investigate the status of the wildlife on prospective properties. In addition, existing landowners should monitor developments as TPWD crafts management strategies to identify and contain this deadly disease. 

Dr. Gilliland ( is a research economist with the Texas Real Estate Research Center at Texas A&M University.

Colorado CWD TSE Prion Detected in 40 of 54 deer herds, 17 of 42 elk herds, and 2 of 9 moose herds

Colorado CWD figures just out; COLORADO CWD UPDATE

Notably, prevalence in the White River herd, one of the state’s largest, rose from 15.3% to 23.6%.

Prevalence increased by about 10%, to 14%, in the Uncompahgre herd, and grew from 3.5% to 8% in the Middle Park herd.

Prevalence fell from 13.6% to 6.7% in the Sweetwater herd and from 12% to 8% in the Big Thompson herd.

Parks and Wildlife has detected the disease in 40 of Colorado’s 54 deer herds, 17 of its 42 elk herds and two of its nine moose herds.

Colorado Chronic Wasting Disease Response Plan December 2018. 

Executive Summary Mule deer, white-tailed deer, elk and moose are highly valued species in North America. Some of Colorado’s herds of these species are increasingly becoming infected with chronic wasting disease(CWD). 

As of July 2018, at least 31 of Colorado's 54 deer herds (57%), 16 of43 elk herds (37%), and 2 of 9 moose herds (22%) are known to be infected with CWD. 

Four of Colorado's 5 largest deer herds and 2 of the state’s 5 largest elk herds are infected. 

Deer herds tend to be more heavily infected than elk and moose herds living in the same geographic area. 

Not only are the number of infected herds increasing, the past 15 years of disease trends generally show an increase in the proportion of infected animals within herds as well. 

Of most concern, greater than a 10-fold increase in CWD prevalence has been estimated in some mule deer herds since the early 2000s; CWD is now adversely affecting the performance of these herds.

snip...(the map on page 71, cwd marked in red, is shocking...tss)

Since identifying its first cases of CWD in captive deer in the 70s and finding the first wild infected deer in 1985, Wyoming has seen the disease slowly spread throughout the state. CWD has now been documented in members of the deer family in most of Wyoming’s deer hunting areas, with 20% to 40% percent of mule deer affected in some herds. A 2017 study estimated a 21% annual population decline as a result of the fatal disease. 

How does CWD impact deer, elk, and moose populations?

Recent research in Wyoming has demonstrated declines in both mule and white-tailed deer populations in deer hunt area 65 due to CWD (see below for citations). These declines are in the core endemic area where prevalence is highest. In areas with lower prevalence, effects of CWD are poorly understood but are considered additive along with other factors that can negatively affect deer populations in Wyoming (i.e. habitat loss, predation, other diseases). The distribution and prevalence of CWD in Wyoming elk is less than that of deer. Currently there are no documented direct population impacts in Wyoming elk from CWD; however, research from Rocky Mountain National Park suggests that CWD could impact elk populations at higher prevalence (13%). While CWD has been found in free ranging moose, there have been few detections, and there is no evidence that CWD is currently having an impact on moose populations.

WYOMING, POWELL — Sobering news resulting from a multi-year Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) surveillance program by the Wyoming Game and Fish Department between 2018 and 2022 shows significant increases in the fatal disease for the state’s prized mule deer and elk herds.

In one herd, the prevalence rate is calculated at 65% in mule deer bucks, and there are concerning increases in infected elk, including hunt areas popular for Big Horn Basin hunters.

The disease, which typically kills infected animals within two years after initial exposure, now occurs in 34 of Wyoming’s 37 mule deer herds, and 15 of the state’s 36 elk herd units.

Texas TPWD CWD Cases Jump to 663 Confirmed To Date (please note, the CWD Tracking page is outdated at 663 Confirmed)

Listing of CWD Cases in Texas

Show 25


Search CWD Positives

Positive Number CWD Positive Confirmation Date Free Range Captive County Source Species Sex Age

663 2024-03-05 White-tailed Deer Hunt Facility #9 White-tailed Deer - Breeder Deer M 1.6

662 2024-03-05 White-tailed Deer Hunt Facility #9 White-tailed Deer - Breeder Deer M 1.6

661 2024-03-05 White-tailed Deer Hunt Facility #9 White-tailed Deer - Breeder Deer M 2.7

660 2024-03-05 White-tailed Deer Hunt Facility #9 White-tailed Deer - Breeder Deer M 1.6

659 2024-03-05 White-tailed Deer Hunt Facility #9 White-tailed Deer - Breeder Deer M 3.5

658 2024-03-05 White-tailed Deer Hunt Facility #9 White-tailed Deer - Breeder Deer F 10.6

657 2024-03-05 White-tailed Deer Hunt Facility #9 White-tailed Deer - Breeder Deer M 1.6

656 2024-03-05 Elk Medina N/A Elk - Breeder Release Site F Unknown

655 2024-03-05 White-tailed Deer Hunt Facility #9 White-tailed Deer - Breeder Deer F 2.7

654 2024-03-05 White-tailed Deer Hunt Facility #9 White-tailed Deer - Breeder Deer F 1.5

653 2024-03-05 White-tailed Deer Hunt Facility #9 White-tailed Deer - Breeder Deer F 3.6

652 2024-03-05 White-tailed Deer Hunt Facility #9 White-tailed Deer - Breeder Deer F 3.7

651 2024-03-05 White-tailed Deer Hunt Facility #9 White-tailed Deer - Breeder Deer F 10.7

650 2024-03-05 White-tailed Deer Hunt Facility #9 White-tailed Deer - Breeder Deer M 2.7

649 2024-02-22 White-tailed Deer Hunt N/A White-tailed Deer - Breeder Release Site F 2.5

648 2024-03-05 Elk Medina N/A Elk - Breeder Release Site F Unknown

647 2024-02-22 White-tailed Deer Kimble Facility #26 White-tailed Deer - Breeder Deer F 2.5

646 2024-02-22 White-tailed Deer Hunt Facility #9 White-tailed Deer - Breeder Deer F 1.5

645 2024-02-22 White-tailed Deer Hunt Facility #9 White-tailed Deer - Breeder Deer M 2.6

644 2024-02-22 White-tailed Deer Hunt Facility #9 White-tailed Deer - Breeder Deer M 2.7

643 2024-02-22 White-tailed Deer Hunt Facility #9 White-tailed Deer - Breeder Deer F 3.6

642 2024-02-22 White-tailed Deer Hunt Facility #9 White-tailed Deer - Breeder Deer F 2.7

641 2024-02-22 White-tailed Deer Hunt Facility #9 White-tailed Deer - Breeder Deer M 1.5

640 2024-02-22 White-tailed Deer Hunt Facility #9 White-tailed Deer - Breeder Deer F 3.7

Showing 1 to 24 of 663

*CWD Positive Confirmation Dates marked with * are dates confirmed by Texas A&M Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory rather than the National Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory.

In the case of the Brooks County breeding facility, department records indicate that the facility has within the last five years transferred 1,057 deer to 51 deer breeding facilities, five Deer Management Permit (DMP) sites, and 77 release sites located in a total of 67 counties, as well as to three destinations in Mexico.

In the case of the Frio County breeding facility, department records indicate that the facility has "certified herd" status under the TAHC herd certification program and within the last five years has transferred 627 deer to 46 deer breeding facilities, two nursing facilities, two DMP sites, and 29 release sites located in a total of 41 counties.

In the case of the Zavala County breeding facility, department records indicate that within the last five years the facility has transferred 276 deer to three deer breeding facilities, one DMP facility, and 21 release sites located in a total of 14 counties.

In the case of the Kimble County breeding facility, the facility was the source or destination for 282 deer, including deer sent to seven release sites.

In the case of the Cherokee County breeding facility, the facility received 17 deer from four breeding facilities but did not transfer deer to another breeding facility or release site.

The breeding facilities, nursing facilities, DMP facilities, and release sites that have received deer from the positive facilities are directly connected to those facilities and are of epidemiological concern. These facilities are by current rule also prohibited from receiving or transferring deer unless and until epidemiological investigation determines that Movement Qualified (MQ) status can be restored. Deer breeding facilities that received deer from one or more of the directly connected breeding facilities (referred to as "Tier 1" facilities) are indirectly connected to the positive facilities and are of epidemiological concern because they have received exposed deer that were in a trace-out breeding facility.

The recent detections of CWD in breeding facilities located in Brooks, Frio, Zavala, Kimble, and Cherokee counties are part of an ongoing outbreak of CWD in deer breeding facilities.

Since March 29, 2021, CWD has been detected in 15 counties.

In 2023 alone, CWD has been detected in 12 deer breeding facilities located in nine counties.

Prior to 2021, CWD was detected in six deer breeding facilities located in four counties.

In response to the magnitude and the potential severity of this situation, the emergency rules require the ante-mortem testing of test eligible deer prior to transfer from a breeding facility to another breeding facility.

The emergency action is necessary to protect the state's white-tailed deer populations, as well as associated industries.

Texas CWD Surveillance Positives (cwd totals confirmed at 663 is outdated)

Counties where CWD Exposed Deer were Released

Number of CWD Exposed Deer Released by County

Chronic Wasting Disease CWD Captive Herds updated April 2023

Chronic Wasting Disease CWD Captive Herds updated April 2023

TPWD Proposed Amendments to Chronic Wasting Disease and canned hunting Mountain lions ban

Proposed Regulations

Learn more and comment online through 5 p.m. May 22, 2024.

  As noted previously in this preamble, the department has been engaged in a long-term effort to stem the spread of CWD; however, by 2021 it was apparent that more robust measures were warranted because CWD was still being detected in additional deer breeding facilities, as well as on multiple release sites associated with CWD-positive deer breeding facilities. The commission adopted those rules, which require higher rates of testing, ante-mortem (live-animal) testing of breeder deer prior to release, and enhanced recordkeeping and reporting measures, in December of 2021 (46 TexReg 8724).

        Following the implementation of more efficacious testing requirements, an unprecedented increase in CWD detections occurred. Since 2021, CWD has been detected in 22 deer breeding facilities, two release sites associated with CWD-positive deer breeding facilities, and two free-ranging deer in areas where CWD had not been previously detected. Department records indicate that within the last five years those breeding facilities transferred over 7,000 deer to other breeding facilities, release sites, and Deer Management Permit (DMP) sites. All those locations are therefore directly connected to the CWD-positive facilities and are subsequently of epidemiological concern. Additionally, approximately 287 deer breeding facilities received deer from one or more of the directly connected breeding facilities, which means those facilities (referred to as “Tier 1” facilities) are indirectly connected to the positive facilities and are also of epidemiological concern because they have received exposed deer that were in a trace-out breeding facility.

Because of this rapid explosion in epidemiological linkages between deer breeding facilities and associated release sites, the department became concerned about the excessive numbers of deer breeders continuing to be affected by inter-facility transfers, and subsequently determined that additional testing measures could increase the probability of detecting CWD in breeding facilities where it exists before it could be spread to additional breeding facilities and associated release sites.

TEXAS BREEDER DEER ESCAPEE WITH CWD IN THE WILD, or so the genetics would show?

OH NO, please tell me i heard this wrong, a potential Texas captive escapee with cwd in the wild, in an area with positive captive cwd herd?

apparently, no ID though. tell me it ain't so please...

23:00 minute mark

''Free Ranging Deer, Dr. Deyoung looked at Genetics of this free ranging deer and what he found was, that the genetics on this deer were more similar to captive deer, than the free ranging population, but he did not see a significant connection to any one captive facility that he analyzed, so we believe, Ahhhhhh, this animal had some captive ahhh, whatnot.''

Commission Agenda Item No. 5 Exhibit B



1. Introduction. 


 A third issue is the accuracy of mortality reporting. Department records indicate that for each of the last five years an average of 26 deer breeders have reported a shared total of 159 escapes. Department records for the same time period indicate an average of 31 breeding facilities reported a shared total of 825 missing deer (deer that department records indicate should be present in the facility, but cannot be located or verified). 

On January 21, 2017 a tornado took down thousands of feet of fence for a 420-acre illegal deer enclosure in Lamar County that had been subject to federal and state investigation for illegally importing white-tailed deer into Mississippi from Texas (a CWD positive state). Native deer were free to move on and off the property before all of the deer were able to be tested for CWD. Testing will be made available for a period of three years for CWD on the property and will be available for deer killed within a 5-mile radius of the property on a voluntary basis. 

“It is interesting to note that, in 2001, the State of Texas shifted its deer management strategies toward the same leanings that Kroll has suggested for Wisconsin. In Texas, the change was brought about via heavy lobbying from the high-fence deer ranching industry. This pressure helped convince the Texas Parks and Wildlife to change their regulations and allow private landowners to select the own deer biologists.”

Chronic Wasting Disease in Texas

A Real Disease with Proven Impacts

Produced by a coalition of concerned hunters, landowners, & conservationists (last update 08/2023)


Since 2012, CWD has been detected in wild deer in just 7 counties in Texas and is only established in the western panhandle and far west Texas.

In that same period of time, captive deer breeders have exposed almost half of Texas counties to CWD. 

Deer held in captive breeding facilities are confined to much tighter spaces, and have intimate contact with many more animals on a daily basis. By far the greatest factor in amplifying the spread of CWD is the artificial movement of these animals, shipped in livestock trailers hundreds of miles, far outside of their natural home range, and ultimately released to co-mingle with wild deer. 

Each year, Texas captive deer breeders liberate 20,000-30,000 deer from their pens to the wild. 

For every deer breeding facility where a CWD positive deer is discovered, an epidemiological investigation is conducted by the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department and the Texas Animal Health Commission to determine how many other deer may have been exposed to the disease and where they have been shipped. Because of the prolific artificial movement of captive deer, one deer with CWD can impact hundreds of other facilities and ranches across the state.

Unfortunately, released deer in Texas are not required to retain any kind of visible identification (an ear tag), and for this reason, the vast majority of released deer cannot be relocated for testing. 

As of August 2023, 116 Texas counties have received possibly infected breeder deer that cannot be located, putting more than 140,000 landowners at risk of the disease. 


The state of Texas has been testing for CWD since 2002. Since that time, more than 302,360 captive and free range deer have been tested. 

From 2015-2022, more than 127,000 samples were collected from hunter-harvested and roadkill deer. This sampling rate and risk-based distribution provides scientists confidence that they would have detected the disease if it existed at a very low prevalence (<1%) in any given region at the time sampling began.


We have learned from other states where CWD has been present the longest, that a constant increase in the prevalence of the disease may lead to a significant decline in the deer population. When disease prevalence exceeds 20%, deer populations have declined by up to 50%. In some areas of Colorado, where CWD has been present since 1985, mule deer abundance has declined by 45% since that time, despite adequate habitat and no hunting ( Miller et al. 2008 ). Similarly, the South Converse Game Unit in Wyoming has documented CWD prevalence exceeding 50% and has seen an approximate 50% decline in mule deer populations.


Rural Economies

Deer hunting is the lifeblood of rural Texas. White-tailed deer hunting is by far the most impactful segment of the hunting economy, representing $4.3 billion, according to a recent Texas A&M Study. And while deer breeders represent a very small segment of that economy (less than 5%), they represent one of the greatest risks. ( Full Texas A&M Report )

Real Estate

Rural land prices are largely driven by recreational buyers with hunting as a top land amenity. Without deer hunting, many of these properties will be worth much less.

Conservation Funding

Deer hunters are the largest funders of wildlife conservation in Texas through excise taxes on firearms, ammunition, and gear along with active membership supporting and funding conservation organizations. If deer hunting suffers due to CWD, all wildlife in Texas lose.

Culture & Health

Texas’ native deer herd has iconic value for all Texans. Deer hunting brings families together, creates camaraderie in communities, and serves to connect Texans to nature. There is no better protein than wild, locally harvested, non-GMO and totally organic venison. A healthy deer herd leads to healthy Texans and a healthy and prosperous Texas. 


This isn't a disease for our lifetime. It's a disease for our grandchildren's lifetime. 

 - Dr. Bob Dittmar, Former Texas State Wildlife Veterinarian 


See the full text with maps, graphs, much more, excellent data…

Since 2012, CWD has been detected in wild deer in just 7 counties in Texas and is only established in the western panhandle and far west Texas.

In that same period of time, captive deer breeders have exposed almost half of Texas counties to CWD. 

As of August 2023, 116 Texas counties have received possibly infected breeder deer that cannot be located, putting more than 140,000 landowners at risk of the disease. 



Don't mess Texas, or with Mother Nature in Texas, but, seems things went terribly wrong down here in Texas with CWD, be careful what you ask for;


“Wow,” he said. “Unlike anything we've seen before.”

The disease devastating deer herds may also threaten human health

Scientists are exploring the origins of chronic wasting disease before it becomes truly catastrophic.

Rae Ellen Bichell

Image credit: David Parsons/Istock

April 8, 2019

This story was published in collaboration with the Mountain West News Bureau, a collaboration between Wyoming Public Media, Boise State Public Radio in Idaho, KUER in Salt Lake City and KRCC and KUNC in Colorado.


One day in late February, in their laboratory in Fort Collins, Colorado, Wagner and Zabel compared the prions from the brains of CWD-infected deer in Texas with those of elk in Colorado. They want to know if the proteins were all mangled in the same way, or not. “If they are different, this would suggest that we have different strain properties, which is evidence as we're building our case that we might have multiple strains of CWD circulating in the U.S.,” says Wagner.

Step one is to see if they’re equally easy to destroy using a chemical called guanidine. The shape of a prion dictates everything, including the way it interacts with an animal’s cells and the ease with which chemicals can unfold it.

“Moment of truth,” said Wagner, as she and Zabel huddled around a computer, waiting for results to come through. When they did, Zabel was surprised.

“Wow,” he said. “Unlike anything we've seen before.”

The prions from the Texas deer were a lot harder to destroy than the ones from the Colorado elk. In fact, the guanidine barely damaged them at all. “We’ve never seen that before in any prion strain, which means that it has a completely different structure than we've ever seen before,” says Zabel. And that suggests that it might be a very different kind of chronic wasting disease. The researchers ran the same test on another Texas deer, with the same results.

Now, these are only the preliminary results from a few animals. Wagner and Zabel have a lot more experiments to do. But if future tests come to the same conclusion, it would support their hypothesis that there are multiple strains of chronic wasting disease out there, all with different origins. That, in turn, could mean that this disease will become even trickier to manage than it already is.

And, Zabel adds, there’s something else. “If it's still evolving, it may still evolve into a form that could potentially, eventually affect humans,” he says.

Zabel is not the only one worried about that possibility.

OSTERHOLM, THE EPIDEMIOLOGIST from Minnesota, is also concerned. He directs the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, and is serving a one-year stint as a “Science Envoy for Health Security” with the U.S. State Department. In February, he told Minnesota lawmakers that when it comes to chronic wasting disease, we are playing with fire. “You are going to hear from people that this is not going to be a problem other than a game farm issue. You're going to hear from people that it's not going to transmit to people, and I hope they're right, but I wouldn't bet on it,” he said. “And if we lose this one and haven’t done all we can do, we will pay a price.”

If that wasn’t warning enough, he added: “Just remember what happened in England.”

He was talking about mad cow disease. Decades ago, Osterholm got involved in studying the potential for the newly emerging condition — bovine spongiform encephalopathy, or BSE for short — to be transmitted to humans.

At that point, researchers had yet to document a prion disease in animals that could infect people. They did, however, have a few pieces of the puzzle. For one, work in Papua New Guinea had shown that people could transmit prion diseases to each other if they practiced cannibalism, especially of the brain-eating variety. They also knew that BSE was spreading quickly between cattle. Osterholm says he and others worried that the more widespread it became, the more chances it might have to change into something that could sicken people.

“A lot of people thought that it was an overreaction,” says Osterholm. “Then, of course, in 1996, 10 years later, we recognized that in fact transmission had occurred.” Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, as the illness is called when it appears in human beings, has infected about 230 people worldwide. Osterholm says he feels like he’s having déjà vu, except that instead of mad cow, now it’s chronic wasting disease that’s spreading in animals, with the potential to cross the species barrier to infect humans.



77. Assessing chronic wasting disease strain differences in free-ranging cervids across the United States

Kaitlyn M. Wagnera, Caitlin Ott-Connb, Kelly Strakab, Bob Dittmarc, Jasmine Battend, Robyn Piercea, Mercedes Hennessya, Elizabeth Gordona, Brett Israela, Jenn Ballarde and Mark D Zabela

aPrion Research Center at Colorado State University; bMichigan Department of Natural Resources; cTexas Parks and Wildlife Department; dMissouri Department of Conservation, 5. Arkansas Game and Fish Commission CONTACT Kaitlyn M. Wagner


Background/Introduction: Chronic wasting disease (CWD) is an invariably fatal prion disease affecting captive and free-ranging cervids, including white-tailed deer, mule deer, moose, elk, and reindeer. Since the initial description of the disease in the 1960’s, CWD has spread to 23 states, 3 Canadian Provinces, South Korea, Norway and, most recently, Finland. While some outbreaks of CWD were caused by transport of infected animals from endemic regions, the origin of CWD in other epizootics is unclear and has not been characterized. Previous studies have shown that there are two distinct strains of CWD. However, the continuous spread and the unclear origin of several outbreaks warrant continued surveillance and further characterization of strain diversity.

Materials and Methods: To address these knowledge gaps, we used biochemical tests to assess strain differences between CWD outbreaks in Michigan, Texas, Missouri, and Colorado, USA. Brain or lymph node samples were homogenized and digested in 50 µg/mL proteinase K (PK). These samples were then run on a Western blot to assess glycoform ratio and electrophoretic mobility. Texas samples were digested in 100 µg/mL PK. To assess conformational stability, brain or lymph node homogenates were incubated in increasing concentrations of guanidine hydrochloride from 0 M to 4 M in 0.5 M increments. Samples were then precipitated in methanol overnight, washed and PK digested in 50 µg/mL PK before slot blotting.

Results: Our results have found significant differences in glycoform ratio between CWD from Michigan and Colorado, but no differences were observed in conformational stability assays. Interestingly, when testing our CWD isolates from Texas to analyse electrophoretic mobility and glycoform ratio, we found that these samples did not exhibit the characteristic band shift when treated with PK, but PK resistant material remained. Additionally, results from our conformational stability assay demonstrate a unique profile of these Texas isolates. Testing of samples from Missouri is currently underway.

Conclusions: Thus far, our data indicate that there are strain differences between CWD circulating in Michigan and CWD in Colorado and provide important insight into CWD strain differences between two non-contiguous outbreaks. We have also identified a unique strain of CWD in Texas with biochemical strain properties not seen in any of our other CWD isolates. These results highlight the importance of continued surveillance to better understand this devastating disease. These results have important implications for CWD emergence, evolution and our understanding of prion strain heterogeneity on the landscape.

Breeding CWD from Cervid?

''However, to date, there are no reports of polymorphic cervid PrP alleles providing absolute resistance to CWD. Studies on polymorphisms have focused on those found in CWD-endemic areas, with the hope that understanding the role of an animal's genetics in CWD can help to predict, contain, or prevent transmission of CWD.''

The presence of aa96S has been associated with slowed disease progression, longer life span among captive deer,Citation26,27 and does not appear to affect the rate at which prions are shed from infected individuals.Citation38 Additionally, CWD infected mule deer have been found to excrete pathogenic prions while asymptomatic.Citation39 This contributes to concerns that wild deer with aa96S may be shedding infectious prions into the environment for longer periods of time than deer lacking the mutation, but are not symptomatic or detectable by immunohistochemical procedures.

***> at present, no PrPC allele conferring absolute resistance in cervids has been identified. 

J Gen Virol. 2017 Nov; 98(11): 2882–2892.

Published online 2017 Oct 23. doi: 10.1099/jgv.0.000952

Estimating chronic wasting disease susceptibility in cervids using real-time quaking-induced conversion

Chronic wasting disease (CWD) resistance in cervids is often characterized as decreased prevalence and/or protracted disease progression in individuals with specific alleles; at present, no PrPC allele conferring absolute resistance in cervids has been identified.

cwd scrapie pigs oral routes

***> However, at 51 months of incubation or greater, 5 animals were positive by one or more diagnostic methods. Furthermore, positive bioassay results were obtained from all inoculated groups (oral and intracranial; market weight and end of study) suggesting that swine are potential hosts for the agent of scrapie. <***

>*** Although the current U.S. feed ban is based on keeping tissues from TSE infected cattle from contaminating animal feed, swine rations in the U.S. could contain animal derived components including materials from scrapie infected sheep and goats. These results indicating the susceptibility of pigs to sheep scrapie, coupled with the limitations of the current feed ban, indicates that a revision of the feed ban may be necessary to protect swine production and potentially human health. <***

***> Results: PrPSc was not detected by EIA and IHC in any RPLNs. All tonsils and MLNs were negative by IHC, though the MLN from one pig in the oral <6 month group was positive by EIA. PrPSc was detected by QuIC in at least one of the lymphoid tissues examined in 5/6 pigs in the intracranial <6 months group, 6/7 intracranial >6 months group, 5/6 pigs in the oral <6 months group, and 4/6 oral >6 months group. Overall, the MLN was positive in 14/19 (74%) of samples examined, the RPLN in 8/18 (44%), and the tonsil in 10/25 (40%).

***> Conclusions: This study demonstrates that PrPSc accumulates in lymphoid tissues from pigs challenged intracranially or orally with the CWD agent, and can be detected as early as 4 months after challenge. CWD-infected pigs rarely develop clinical disease and if they do, they do so after a long incubation period. This raises the possibility that CWD-infected pigs could shed prions into their environment long before they develop clinical disease. Furthermore, lymphoid tissues from CWD-infected pigs could present a potential source of CWD infectivity in the animal and human food chains.

Conclusions: This study demonstrates that PrPSc accumulates in lymphoid tissues from pigs challenged intracranially or orally with the CWD agent, and can be detected as early as 4 months after challenge. CWD-infected pigs rarely develop clinical disease and if they do, they do so after a long incubation period. This raises the possibility that CWD-infected pigs could shed prions into their environment long before they develop clinical disease. Furthermore, lymphoid tissues from CWD-infected pigs could present a potential source of CWD infectivity in the animal and human food chains.




3. If questions on pharmaceuticals are raised at the Press conference, the suggested line to take is as follows:-

"There are no medicinal products licensed for use on the market which make use of UK-derived porcine tissues with which any hypothetical “high risk" ‘might be associated. The results of the recent experimental work at the CSM will be carefully examined by the CSM‘s Working Group on spongiform encephalopathy at its next meeting.

DO Hagger RM 1533 MT Ext 3201

While this clearly is a cause for concern we should not jump to the conclusion that this means that pigs will necessarily be infected by bone and meat meal fed by the oral route as is the case with cattle. ...

we cannot rule out the possibility that unrecognised subclinical spongiform encephalopathy could be present in British pigs though there is no evidence for this: only with parenteral/implantable pharmaceuticals/devices is the theoretical risk to humans of sufficient concern to consider any action.

May I, at the outset, reiterate that we should avoid dissemination of papers relating to this experimental finding to prevent premature release of the information. ...

3. It is particularly important that this information is not passed outside the Department, until Ministers have decided how they wish it to be handled. ...

But it would be easier for us if pharmaceuticals/devices are not directly mentioned at all. ...

Our records show that while some use is made of porcine materials in medicinal products, the only products which would appear to be in a hypothetically ''higher risk'' area are the adrenocorticotrophic hormone for which the source material comes from outside the United Kingdom, namely America China Sweden France and Germany. The products are manufactured by Ferring and Armour. A further product, ''Zenoderm Corium implant'' manufactured by Ethicon, makes use of porcine skin - which is not considered to be a ''high risk'' tissue, but one of its uses is described in the data sheet as ''in dural replacement''. This product is sourced from the United Kingdom.....

Transmission of scrapie prions to primate after an extended silent incubation period

*** In complement to the recent demonstration that humanized mice are susceptible to scrapie, we report here the first observation of direct transmission of a natural classical scrapie isolate to a macaque after a 10-year incubation period. Neuropathologic examination revealed all of the features of a prion disease: spongiform change, neuronal loss, and accumulation of PrPres throughout the CNS.

*** This observation strengthens the questioning of the harmlessness of scrapie to humans, at a time when protective measures for human and animal health are being dismantled and reduced as c-BSE is considered controlled and being eradicated.

*** Our results underscore the importance of precautionary and protective measures and the necessity for long-term experimental transmission studies to assess the zoonotic potential of other animal prion strains.

***Transmission data also revealed that several scrapie prions propagate in HuPrP-Tg mice with efficiency comparable to that of cattle BSE. While the efficiency of transmission at primary passage was low, subsequent passages resulted in a highly virulent prion disease in both Met129 and Val129 mice.

***Transmission of the different scrapie isolates in these mice leads to the emergence of prion strain phenotypes that showed similar characteristics to those displayed by MM1 or VV2 sCJD prion.

***These results demonstrate that scrapie prions have a zoonotic potential and raise new questions about the possible link between animal and human prions.

The chronic wasting disease agent from white-tailed deer is highly infectious to humanized mice after passage through raccoons

Chronic Wasting Disease CWD TSE Prion of Cervid Zoonosis to humans, iatrogenic transmission, what if?

To date, there has been no proof of spontaneous TSE prion in any species in the field, that's just the facts, to date. the nvCJD or what is called vCJD today, they keep claiming that is over, yet, sporadic CJD is growing, and environmental factors are pointing to sporadic CJD now. please take heed, CWD of Cervids has been linked to sporadic CJD, and just might be the nvCJD nightmare epidemic everyone missed, and with the recent potential cjd occupational exposure in Spain now, and the recent documented 2 deaths of iatrogenic sheep BSE transmission to lab workers as nvCJD, now think CWD exposure, and iatrogenic transmission there from.

Today, there is more science showing that CWD will transmit to humans, yet no call has been made, than there was with nvCJD back in 1995, imo, some decade passed that infamous day back in 1984ish, when Carol Richard, kinda documented something, the next year 1985, Mad Cow was confirmed, typical c-type BSE. what are we waiting for, who makes that call officially that CWD has transmitted to humans, and make urgent precautions in the medical, dental, surgical, tissue, blood donor, fields, how many do we expose, and or, how many have to die? with hundreds of thousands of humans exposed to CWD either directly or indirectly via friendly fire, across the USA and Canada, Who will bare that Burdon of ignorance for not sounding the alarm for CWD to humans, that sCJD was zoonotic zoonosis from all of the above, when the evidence had been staring us in the face for decades? how many more cases of sporadic cjd linked to CWD are we going to pass off as just a happenstance of bad luck, spontaneous, when no documented case has ever been proven of spontaneous CJD? How many humans has to be exposed and die, and or friendly fire, iatrogenic cjd, before a call of CWD zoonosis is made for cwd to humans? remember, all iatrogenic cjd is, is sporadic cjd, there needs to be a global consortium of TSE Prion scientist and medical, surgical, scientist, to hold such a meeting as to making that final call that cwd is transmissible to humans, and then make the decisions to safeguard public health from iatrogenic cwd to humans.

all iatrogenic cjd is, is sporadic cjd, before the iatrogenic event is discovered, traced back, proven, documented, put into the academic domain, and then finally the public domain, this very seldom happens, thus problem solved, it's all sporadic cjd.

HOW long are we going to wait for Chronic Wasting Disease, CWD TSE Prion of Cervid, and zoonosis, zoonotic transmission to humans there from?

Studies have shown since 1994 that humans are susceptible to CWD TSE Prion, so, what's the hold up with making CWD a zoonotic zoonosis disease, the iatrogenic transmissions there from is not waiting for someone to make a decision. I remind everyone of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease from growth hormone deficient children, and those 35 or so children that succumbed to CJD hGH recipients, or the dura mater graft-associated Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease around the world, I’ve lost count on total mortality to date from that, or the recent iatrogenic cases of nvCJD, from occupational iatrogenic associate exposure in Spain and France working with BSE, and we cannot forget the blood related deaths from nvCJD. Blood from CWD is highly infectious. Do we just ignore this, in terms of CWD? A foolish move, imo...see references at the bottom of this page!

Friendly fire, pass it forward, they call it iatrogenic cjd, or what i call 'tse prion poker', are you all in $$$

Terry S. Singeltary Sr.

Two Hunters from the Same Lodge Afflicted with Sporadic CJD: Is Chronic Wasting Disease to Blame?

(P7-13.002) Jonathan Trout, Matthew Roberts, Michel Tabet, Eithan Kotkowski, and Sarah HornAUTHORS INFO & AFFILIATIONS April 9, 2024 issue 102 (17_supplement_1)

Abstract Publication History Information & Authors Metrics & Citations Share Abstract


This study presents a cluster of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) cases after exposure to chronic wasting disease (CWD)-infected deer, suggestive of potential prion transmission from CWD-infected deer to humans.


CJD is a rapidly progressive central nervous system disorder caused by misfolded prion proteins. CWD, a prion disease prevalent in North American deer, has raised concerns due to its possible link to CJD. Although no conclusive evidence of cross-species prion transmission exists, vigilance for such cases is crucial for public health.


Not applicable.


In 2022, a 72-year-old man with a history of consuming meat from a CWD-infected deer population presented with rapid-onset confusion and aggression. His friend, who had also eaten venison from the same deer population, recently died of CJD, raising concerns about a potential link between CWD and human prion disease. Despite aggressive symptomatic treatment of seizures and agitation, the patient’s condition deteriorated and he died within a month of initial presentation. The diagnosis was confirmed postmortem as sporadic CJD with homozygous methionine at codon 129 (sCJDMM1). The patient’s history, including a similar case in his social group, suggests a possible novel animal-to-human transmission of CWD. Based on non-human primate and mouse models, cross-species transmission of CJD is plausible. Due to the challenge of distinguishing sCJDMM1 from CWD without detailed prion protein characterization, it is not possible to definitively rule out CWD in these cases. Although causation remains unproven, this cluster emphasizes the need for further investigation into the potential risks of consuming CWD-infected deer and its implications for public health.


Clusters of sporadic CJD cases may occur in regions with CWD-confirmed deer populations, hinting at potential cross-species prion transmission. Surveillance and further research are essential to better understand this possible association.

Disclosure: Mr. Trout has nothing to disclose. Dr. Roberts has nothing to disclose. Dr. Tabet has nothing to disclose. Dr. Kotkowski has nothing to disclose. Dr. Horn has received personal compensation in the range of $500-$4,999 for serving as a Consultant for Cala Trio. The institution of Dr. Horn has received research support from Alzheimer's Association.

Case report: Two clusters of Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease cases within 1 year in West Michigan

\nLing Ling Rong Ling Ling Rong1*Nicholas J. LannenNicholas J. Lannen1Evan C. TankEvan C. Tank1Jessica L. FeistelJessica L. Feistel1Christopher J. TherasseChristopher J. Therasse2Anvita PotluriAnvita Potluri1Muhib KhanMuhib Khan1Jiangyong MinJiangyong Min1

1Department of Neurosciences, Corewell Health West, Michigan State University, Grand Rapids, MI, United States

2Department of Radiology, Corewell Health West, Michigan State University, Grand Rapids, MI, United States

Background: Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (CJD) is a rare, rapidly progressive, and uniformly fatal neurodegenerative disease. The reported incidence of CJD is 1 to 2 per million people worldwide annually, with fewer than 1,000 cases in the United States per year. In this study, we report a unique case series on temporo-spatial clusters of CJD cases in West Michigan.

Methods: A total of five CJD cases consisting of two temporal clusters were seen from July 2021 to June 2022 at Corewell Health West hospitals. All patients had brain MRI, EEG, and CSF tests. Four patients underwent autopsies.

Results: All patients' MRIs showed characteristic CJD patterns. Four patients had positive CJD panels in CSF. One patient had typical CJD EEG findings. Four patients were confirmed as sporadic CJD by autopsy. All patients died within 3 months after CJD was suspected.

Discussion: All patients lived within a 90-mile radius of Grand Rapids, MI, and two lived in the same county. West Michigan has a population of 1.6 million people, and the four counties where five patients lived have a combined population of 395,104, indicating CJD's new case rate of 3.1 and 12.5 per million people, respectively. Corewell Health is one of the three major healthcare systems in West Michigan. The actual incidence of CJD in West Michigan is likely even higher. This dense temporal and spatial cluster of CJD cases poses a serious public health challenge and warrants urgent investigation.


Our five cases in two clusters were seen within 1 year in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Cluster one included patients 1 and 2, seen within 1 month from July to August of 2021; cluster two included patients 3, 4, and 5, observed within 1 month between May and June of 2022. All patients lived within a 90-mile radius of Grand Rapids. No interpersonal connections were identified among them. All patients were white with differing professions (Table 1). None of them had a family history of Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease, or personal history of corneal transplants, craniotomy, administration of human growth hormone derived from pools of pituitary glands, or surgical procedure at the same facility.

However, families of patients 1, 2, and 4 reported consuming venison.

More intriguingly, families and relatives of these three patients reported additional (at least four) possible or probable CJD cases occurring between 2007 and 2022 in their friends or communities (unpublished data). One of the patients was a 63-year-old white woman and mayor, who lived 35 miles from patient 2, and died of CJD in March 2022. Thus, such a wave of dense temporo-spatial clustering of CJD in West Michigan is very unusual and alarming.

Our case series does not support that CJD incidence has no geographical differences (4, 54). West Michigan has 1.6 million people, and the combined population of four counties where five patients lived is 395,104 in 2022, which makes the CJD new case rate 3.1 and 12.5 per million people in West Michigan and combined four counties, respectively, which is higher than reported 1 to 2 per million people worldwide and 350–710 cases in the United States annually (2–5)1. Adding the cases reported by our three patients' families, the new case occurrence would be even higher. Michigan disease surveillance system (MDSS) reported 19 CJD cases by 31 December 2022 and only 12 cases in 2018, and this reflects a 58% increase2 We do not have enough evidence to conclude that our two clusters are purely due to heightened awareness, more sensitive tests, and better ascertainment, nor could we be certain that they just simultaneously occurred (55). Our study has several limitations, including an observational study, a limited time period, not using the conventionally used solar year period, and a relatively small population and area in West Michigan. As such, this case series highlights only a possible trend. More research and evidence are certainly required to reach a conclusion. We have planned additional retrospective studies, which we expect will surmount these shortcomings. Epidemiological surveillance, research, development of new diagnostic technologies, and public health endeavors are critical (4, 56).


For five sCJD cases in two dense clusters within 1 year in Grand Rapids, MI is more than expected. Extensive screening in West Michigan may eventually arrive at a reliable incidence rate of CJD in this region. These two clusters along with additional cases reported by our patients' families warrant urgent investigation. Further research including epidemiological study regarding possible transmission events, common environmental factors that trigger CJD occurrence as well as continuous surveillance, and further improving diagnostic techniques are critical and necessary.

TUESDAY, MAY 11, 2021

A Unique Presentation of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease in a Patient Consuming Deer Antler Velvet


We believe that our patient’s case of CJD is highly suspicious for cervid etiology given the circumstances of the case as well as the strong evidence of plausibility reported in published literature. This is the first known case of CJD in a patient who had consumed deer antler velvet. Despite the confirmed diagnosis of CJD, a causal relationship between the patient’s disease and his consumption of deer antler velvet cannot be definitively concluded.

Supplemental data including molecular tissue sample analysis and autopsy findings could yield further supporting evidence. Given this patient’s clinical resemblance to CBD and the known histological similarities of CBD with CJD, clinicians should consider both diseases in the differential diagnosis of patients with a similarly esoteric presentation. Regardless of the origin of this patient’s disease, it is clear that the potential for prion transmission from cervids to humans should be further investigated by the academic community with considerable urgency.

''We believe that our patient’s case of CJD is highly suspicious for cervid etiology given the circumstances of the case as well as the strong evidence of plausibility reported in published literature. This is the first known case of CJD in a patient who had consumed deer antler velvet. Despite the confirmed diagnosis of CJD, a causal relationship between the patient’s disease and his consumption of deer antler velvet cannot be definitively concluded.''

“If CWD in humans is found to be contagious and transmissible among humans, as it is in cervids [57], the spread of the disease within humans might become endemic.”


31 TAC §§65.82, 65.85, 65.88

The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission in a duly noticed meeting on May 25, 2023 adopted amendments to 31 TAC §§65.82, 65.85, and §65.88, concerning Disease Detection and Response, without changes to the proposed text as published in the April 21, 2023, issue of the Texas Register (48 TexReg 2048). The rules will not be republished.

Currently, there is scientific evidence to suggest that CWD has zoonotic potential; however, no confirmed cases of CWD have been found in humans.


Rebeca Benavente1, Francisca Bravo1,2, Paulina Soto1,2, J. Hunter Reed3, Mitch Lockwood3, Rodrigo Morales1,2

1Department of Neurology, McGovern Medical School, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Houston, USA. 2Universidad Bernardo O’Higgins, Santiago, Chile. 3Texas Parks and Wildlife, Austin, USA


The zoonotic potential of chronic wasting disease (CWD) remains unknown. Currently, there are no known natural cases of CWD transmission to humans but increasing evidence suggests that the host range of CWD is not confined only to cervid species. Alarmingly, recent experimental evidence suggests that certain CWD isolates can induce disease in non-human primates. While the CDC strongly recommends determining CWD status in animals prior to consumption, this practice is voluntary. Consequently, it is plausible that a proportion of the cervid meat entering the human food chain may be contaminated with CWD. Of additional concern is that traditional diagnostic techniques used to detect CWD have relatively low sensitivity and are only approved for use in tissues other than those typically ingested by humans. In this study, we analyzed different processed meats derived from a pre-clinical, CWD-positive free-ranging elk. Products tested included filets, sausages, boneless steaks, burgers, ham steaks, seasoned chili meats, and spiced meats. CWD-prion presence in these products were assessed by PMCA using deer and elk substrates. Our results show positive prion detection in all products. To confirm the resilience of CWD-prions to traditional cooking methods, we grilled and boiled the meat products and evaluated them for any remnant PMCA seeding activity. Results confirmed the presence of CWD-prions in these meat products suggesting that infectious particles may still be available to people even after cooking. Our results strongly suggest ongoing human exposure to CWD-prions and raise significant concerns of zoonotic transmission through ingestion of CWD contaminated meat products.

***> Products tested included filets, sausages, boneless steaks, burgers, ham steaks, seasoned chili meats, and spiced meats.

***> CWD-prion presence in these products were assessed by PMCA using deer and elk substrates.

***> Our results show positive prion detection in all products.

***> Results confirmed the presence of CWD-prions in these meat products suggesting that infectious particles may still be available to people even after cooking.

***> Our results strongly suggest ongoing human exposure to CWD-prions and raise significant concerns of zoonotic transmission through ingestion of CWD contaminated meat products.


Transmission of prion infectivity from CWD-infected macaque tissues to rodent models demonstrates the zoonotic potential of chronic wasting disease.

Samia Hannaoui1,2, Ginny Cheng1,2, Wiebke Wemheuer3, Walter Schulz-Schaeffer3, Sabine Gilch1,2, Hermann Schatzl1,2 1University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada. 2Calgary Prion Research Unit, Calgary, Canada. 3Institute of Neuropathology, Medical Faculty, Saarland University, Homburg/Saar, Germany

***> Further passage to cervidized mice revealed transmission with a 100% attack rate.

***> Our findings demonstrate that macaques, considered the best model for the zoonotic potential of prions, were infected upon CWD challenge, including the oral one.

****> The disease manifested as atypical in macaques and initial transgenic mouse transmissions, but with infectivity present at all times, as unveiled in the bank vole model with an unusual tissue tropism.

***> Epidemiologic surveillance of prion disease among cervid hunters and people likely to have consumed venison contaminated with chronic wasting disease


Transmission of Cervid Prions to Humanized Mice Demonstrates the Zoonotic Potential of CWD

Samia Hannaouia, Irina Zemlyankinaa, Sheng Chun Changa, Maria Immaculata Arifina, Vincent Béringueb, Debbie McKenziec, Hermann M. Schatzla, and Sabine Gilcha

Results: Here, we provide the strongest evidence supporting the zoonotic potential of CWD prions, and their possible phenotype in humans. Inoculation of mice expressing human PrPCwith deer CWD isolates (strains Wisc-1 and 116AG) resulted in atypical clinical manifestations in > 75% of the mice, with myoclonus as leading clinical sign. Most of tg650brain homogenates were positive for seeding activity in RT-QuIC. Clinical disease and presentation was transmissible to tg650 mice and bank voles. Intriguingly, protease-resistant PrP in the brain of tg650 mice resembled that found in a familial human prion disease and was transmissible upon passage. Abnormal PrP aggregates upon infection with Wisc-1 were detectable in thalamus, hypothalamus, and midbrain/pons regions.

Unprecedented in human prion disease, feces of CWD-inoculated tg650 mice harbored prion seeding activity and infectious prions, as shown by inoculation of bank voles and tg650 with fecal homogenates.

Conclusions: This is the first evidence that CWD can infect humans and cause disease with a distinctive clinical presentation, signature, and tropism, which might be transmissible between humans while current diagnostic assays might fail to detect it. These findings have major implications for public health and CWD-management.

The finding that infectious PrPSc was shed in fecal material of CWD-infected humanized mice and induced clinical disease, different tropism, and typical three banding pattern-PrPres in bank voles that is transmissible upon second passage is highly concerning for public health. The fact that this biochemical signature in bank voles resembles that of the Wisc-1 original deer isolate and is different from that of bvWisc-1, in the migration profile and the glyco-form-ratio, is valid evidence that these results are not a product of contamination in our study. If CWD in humans is found to be contagious and transmissible among humans, as it is in cervids [57], the spread of the disease within humans might become endemic.

Transmission of cervid prions to humanized mice demonstrates the zoonotic potential of CWD

Acta Neuropathol 144, 767–784 (2022).


22 August 2022

CWD in humans might remain subclinical but with PrPSc deposits in the brain with an unusual morphology that does not resemble the patterns usually seen in different prion diseases (e.g., mouse #328; Fig. 3), clinical with untraceable abnormal PrP (e.g., mouse #327) but still transmissible and uncovered upon subsequent passage (e.g., mouse #3063; Fig. 4), or prions have other reservoirs than the usual ones, hence the presence of infectivity in feces (e.g., mouse #327) suggesting a potential for human-to-human transmission and a real iatrogenic risk that might be unrecognizable.

suggesting a potential for human-to-human transmission and a real iatrogenic risk that might be unrecognizable.


Supplementary Information The online version contains supplementary material available at

snip...see full text

Fortuitous generation of a zoonotic cervid prion strain

Manuel Camacho, Xu Qi, Liuting Qing, Sydney Smith, Jieji Hu, Wanyun Tao, Ignazio Cali, Qingzhong Kong. Department of Pathology, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, USA

Aims: Whether CWD prions can infect humans remains unclear despite the very substantial scale and long history of human exposure of CWD in many states or provinces of USA and Canada. Multiple in vitro conversion experiments and in vivo animal studies indicate that the CWD-to-human transmission barrier is not unbreakable. A major long-term public health concern on CWD zoonosis is the emergence of highly zoonotic CWD strains. We aim to address the question of whether highly zoonotic CWD strains are possible.

Materials and Methods: We inoculated several sCJD brain samples into cervidized transgenic mice (Tg12), which were intended as negative controls for bioassays of brain tissues from sCJD cases who had potentially been exposed to CWD. Some of the Tg12 mice became infected and their brain tissues were further examined by Western blot as well as serial passages in humanized or cervidized mice.

Results: Passage of sCJDMM1 in transgenic mice expressing elk PrP (Tg12) resulted in a “cervidized” CJD strain that we termed CJDElkPrP. We observed 100% transmission of the original CJDElkPrP in transgenic mice expressing human PrP. We passaged CJDElkPrP two more times in the Tg12 mice. We found that such second and third passage CJDElkPrP prions retained 100% transmission rate in the humanized mice, despite that the natural elk CWD isolates and CJDElkPrP share the same elk PrP sequence. In contrast, we and others found zero or poor transmission of natural elk CWD isolates in humanized mice.

Conclusions: Our data indicate that highly zoonotic cervid prion strains are not only possible but also can retain zoonotic potential after serial passages in cervids, suggesting a very significant and serious long-term risk of CWD zoonosis given that the broad and continuing spread of CWD prions will provide fertile grounds for the emergence of zoonotic CWD strains over time.

Funded by: NIH Grant number: R01NS052319, R01NS088604, R01NS109532

Acknowledgement: We want to thank the National Prion Disease Pathology Surveillance Center and Drs. Allen Jenny and Katherine O'Rourke for providing the sCJD samples and the CWD samples used in this study, respectively

"Our data indicate that highly zoonotic cervid prion strains are not only possible but also can retain zoonotic potential after serial passages in cervids, suggesting a very significant and serious long-term risk of CWD zoonosis given that the broad and continuing spread of CWD prions will provide fertile grounds for the emergence of zoonotic CWD strains over time."


Terry S. Singeltary Sr., Bacliff, Texas USA 77518

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