Wednesday, November 09, 2016

Norway and Finland Rule Changes for importation and exportation of deer to limit the spread of skrantesjuke (CWD)

Rule Changes for importation and exportation of deer to limit the spread of skrantesjuke (CWD)

Publisert 02.11.2016 | Sist endret 02.11.2016 Published 02/11/2016 | Last modified 11/02/2016
Mattilsynet gjør endringer i tiltak for å begrense spredning av skrantesjuke (CWD) hos hjortevilt. FSA makes changes to measures to limit the spread of skrantesjuke (CWD) in cervids. Endringene innebærer blant annet at det ikke er lov å flytte levende hjortedyr over landegrenser, uten å innhente samtykke fra myndighetene, og at det ikke lenger blir mulig å ta med norske rein til Finland for å delta i sports- og kulturarrangementer. The changes include that it is not allowed to move live deer across borders, without the consent of the authorities, and that it is no longer possible to bring Norwegian reindeer to Finland to take part in sporting and cultural events. Lukk Close Skrantesjuke Skrantesjuke Skrantesjuke (Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD)) er en prionsykdom (en type proteiner som ikke brytes ned i kroppen) hos hjortedyr. Skrantesjuke (Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD)) is a prion disease (a type of protein that are not broken down in the body) in cervids.
Det er ikke påvist noen sammenheng mellom skrapesjuke hos sau, BSE hos storfe og skrantesjuke hos hjortedyr. There is no evidence any link between scrapie in sheep, BSE in cattle and skrantesjuke in cervids.
Sykdommen er dødelig for dyr, men har aldri smittet til mennesker. The disease is fatal to animals, but has never infected humans. Les mer Lukk Read more Close Matilsynet har endret CWD-forskriften for å gjennomføre EUs beskyttelsestiltak mot Norge. Norwegian Food Safety Authority has changed CWD Regulations to implement the EU safeguard measures against Norway. EU ønsker å hindre at levende hjortedyr fra Norge og deler av Sverige og Finland sendes til EU. EU wants to prevent live cervids from Norway and parts of Sweden and Finland submitted to the EU. Endringene innebærer følgende: The changes involve the following: Det kreves samtykke fra svenske myndigheter før norsk rein utføres fra Norge for å beite i Sverige. The consent of the Swedish authorities before Norwegian reindeer executed from Norway to graze in Sweden. Norskeide rein kan bare utføres til et begrenset område i Sverige ( se områdene i Sverige som er beskrevet i vedlegg til forskriften ). Norwegian-owned reindeer can be performed only to a limited area in Sweden ( see the areas in Sweden which are described in Annex to the Regulation ). Det kreves også samtykke fra svenske myndigheter før hjortedyr kan sendes til slakt i Sverige. It also requires the consent of the Swedish authorities before deer can be sent to slaughter in Sweden. Dyra må sendes direkte til slakt. The animals must be transported directly to slaughter.
(Per 02.11.16 er Mattilsynet kjent med at svenske myndigheter jobber med en forskrift som innebærer at det ikke vil være nødvendig for dyreeiere å søke om forhåndssamtykke fra svenske myndigheter. Da vil norsk rein kunne utføres til i området i Sverige beskrevet i forskriften og norske hjortedyr vil kunne sendes direkte til slakt i Sverige. Den som skal flytte hjortedyr til Sverige må selv sjekke med Jordbruksverket i Sverige for å få oppdatert informasjon.) (Per 02.11.16 is FSA informed that the Swedish authorities are working on a regulation which means that it will not be necessary for pet owners to apply for consent from the Swedish authorities. Then Norwegian reindeer could be carried out in the area in Sweden described in the regulations and Norwegian deer will be sent directly to slaughter in Sweden. Whoever will be moving deer to Sweden must check with the Agricultural Administration in Sweden for updated information.) Det kreves samtykke fra finske myndigheter før hjortedyr sendes til slakt i Finland. The consent of the Finnish authorities before deer sent for slaughter in Finland. Dyra må sendes direkte til slakt. The animals must be transported directly to slaughter.
(Per 02.11.16 er Mattilsynet kjent med at finske myndigheter jobber med en forskrift som innebærer at det ikke vil være nødvendig for dyreeiere å søke om forhåndssamtykke fra finske myndigheter før tamrein sendes til slakt i Finland. Da vil norsk rein kunne sendes direkte til slakt i Finland. Den finske forskriften vil ikke gi åpning for at andre hjortedyr kan sendes til slakt i Finland. Den som skal flytte hjortedyr til Finland må selv sjekke med Evira i Finland for å få oppdatert informasjon, eller sende spørsmål til ). (Per 02.11.16 is FSA informed that the Finnish authorities are working on a regulation which means that it will not be necessary for pet owners to apply for consent from the Finnish authorities before the reindeer are sent to slaughter in Finland. Then Norwegian reindeer could be sent directly to slaughter in Finland. the Finnish regulations would not give scope for the capreolinae be sent for slaughter in Finland. Those who are moving deer to Finland must check with Evira in Finland for updated information, or send questions to ). Det åpnes for transitt av norske hjortedyr gjennom Sverige og Finland til Norge, dersom svenske og finske myndigheter forhåndssamtykker. It opened for the transit of Norwegian deer through Sweden and Finland to Norway, where Swedish and Finnish authorities prior consent.
(Per 02.11.16 er Mattilsynet kjent med at svenske og finske myndigheter jobber med en forskrift som innebærer at det ikke vil være nødvendig å søke om forhåndssamtykke for hjortedyr som sendes i transitt gjennom Sverige og Finland. Muligheten for transitt vil da bli fastslått i både svensk og finsk forskrift. For transitt gjennom Sverige vil den svenske forskriften innebære at det også er krav om at Jordbruksverket har fått notifikasjon om transitteringen. Den som skal flytte hjortedyr til Finland eller Sverige må selv sjekke med Jordbruksverket (Sverige) og/eller Evira (Finland) for å få oppdatert informasjon.) (Per 02.11.16 is FSA informed that Swedish and Finnish authorities are working on a regulation which means that it will not be necessary to apply for consent for deer which transited through Sweden and Finland. The possibility of transit will then be determined in both Swedish and Finnish regulations. for transit through Sweden, the Swedish regulations imply that there is also a requirement that Agriculture Agency has received notification of the transit operation. Whoever will be moving deer to Finland or Sweden must check with Agriculture Administration (Sweden) and / or Evira ( Finland) to get updated information.) Hjortedyr som fraktes til slakt eller sendes i transitt mellom Norge, Sverige og Finland, skal ikke ut av kjøretøyet under reisen. Deer transported for slaughter or transited between Norway, Sweden and Finland shall not be out of the vehicle during the trip. Det er tillatt å ta med rein fra Norge til visse områder i Sverige for å delta i sports- eller kulturarrangementer dersom svenske myndigheter gir tillatelse. It is allowed to bring reindeer from Norway to certain areas in Sweden to participate in sports or cultural events if the Swedish authorities give permission. Dette betyr at den enkelte reineier må søke Jordbruksverket om tillatelse før utreise. This means that the individual herder must search Agricultural Administration for permission before flying. Reineieren må også søke Mattilsynet om tillatelse til å returnere til Norge i god tid før hjemreisen. Rein owner must also seek FSA for permission to return to Norway in due time before the return journey. Det er ikke lenger tillatt å ta med rein fra Norge til Finland for å delta i sports- og kulturarrangementer. It is no longer allowed to bring reindeer from Norway to Finland to take part in sporting and cultural events. Beskyttelsestiltaket fra EU åpner ikke for dette. Protection measure from the EU do not allow for this. Det kreves samtykke fra Mattilsynet før levende hjortedyr fra visse områder av Sverige og Finland kan innføres til Norge (se forskriften for definisjon av områder). The consent of the FSA before live cervids from certain areas of Sweden and Finland can be imported to Norway (see Regulations for definition of areas). Mattilsynet kan gi samtykke til innførselen etter en vurdering av risiko for spredning av CWD. Authority to grant consent to importation by an assessment of the risk of spread of CWD. Det er likevel ikke behov å innhente samtykke når rein flyttes til Norge fra Sverige og Finland i forbindelse beiting, når hjortedyr sendes i transitt gjennom Norge og når hjortedyr sendes direkte til slakteri i Norge. There is still no need to obtain consent when reindeer moved to Norway from Sweden and Finland on grazing, when deer transited through Norway and when deer are sent directly to the slaughterhouse in Norway. Dette betyr at det er nødvendig å søke om tillatelse fra Mattilsynet f.eks. This means it is necessary to seek permission from the FSA for example. der rein skal reise til Norge for å delta i konkurranser. where reindeer to travel to Norway to take part in competitions. Det er ikke lenger mulig for Mattilsynet å gi unntak for annen utførsel av hjortedyr enn CWD-forskriften tillater. It is no longer possible for the FSA to grant an exemption for another export of deer than CWD regulations allow. Forflytning av levende hjortedyr fra Norge til Sverige og Finland er strengt regulert i beskyttelsestiltaket fra EU. Movement of live cervids from Norway to Sweden and Finland are strictly regulated in the safeguard measure of the EU. Unntaket i § 8 første punktum er derfor opphevet. The exception in § 8 first sentence has therefore been repealed. Vær oppmerksom på at informasjonen om reglene i Sverige og Finland er skrevet 2. november 2016. Den som skal flytte hjortedyr til Finland eller Sverige må selv sjekke med Jordbruksverket i Sverige eller Evira i Finland (evt. send spørsmål ) for å få oppdatert informasjon. Please note that the information about the rules in Sweden and Finland is written on November 2, 2016. Those who are moving deer to Finland or Sweden must check with the Agricultural Administration in Sweden or Evira in Finland (possibly. Send questions ) for to obtain the latest information. Forskriftsendringene bygger på beslutning (EU) 2016/1918. The amendments are based on Decision (EC) 2016/1918. Beslutningen er tatt inn i EØS-avtalen gjennom forenklet prosedyre og endringene ble derfor ikke sendt på ordinær høring. The decision is incorporated into the EEA Agreement through simplified procedure and changes were therefore not sent on ordinary hearing. Forskriftsendringene trer i kraft 2. november 2016 . The amendments shall enter into force on 2 November 2016. Les mer om CWD-forskriften . Read more about CWD Regulations . Kontaktinformasjon Contact Kristin Ruud Alvseike , veterinær/seniorrådgiver, seksjon dyrehelse, hovedkontoret, tlf. 22 77 85 38 Kristin Ruud Alvseike , veterinary / Senior Adviser, Section Animal Health, the head office, tel. 22 77 85 38 Turi Hordern-Larsen , jurist/seniorrådgiver, seksjon dyrehelse, hovedkontoret, tlf. 22 77 90 79 Turi Hordern-Larsen , a lawyer / Senior Adviser, Section Animal Health, the head office, tel. 22 77 90 79 Publikasjoner publications Forskriftsendring: Midlertidige tiltak for å begrense spredning av Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) (PDF) Regulatory Changes: Temporary measures to limit the spread of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) (PDF)

Title: Pathological features of chronic wasting disease in reindeer and demonstration of horizontal transmission Author item Moore, Sarah item Kunkle, Robert item West greenlee, Mary item Nicholson, Eric item Richt, Juergen item Hamir, Amirali item Waters, Wade item Greenlee, Justin Submitted to: Emerging Infectious Diseases Publication Type: Peer reviewed journal Publication Acceptance Date: 8/29/2016 Publication Date: N/A Citation: Interpretive Summary: Chronic wasting disease (CWD) is a fatal neurodegenerative disease that occurs in farmed and wild cervids (deer and elk) of North America and was recently diagnosed in a single free-ranging reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) in Norway. CWD is a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) that is caused by infectious proteins called prions that are resistant to various methods of decontamination and environmental degradation. Little is known about the susceptibility of or potential for transmission amongst reindeer. In this experiment, we tested the susceptibility of reindeer to CWD from various sources (elk, mule deer, or white-tailed deer) after intracranial inoculation and tested the potential for infected reindeer to transmit to non-inoculated animals by co-housing or housing in adjacent pens. Reindeer were susceptible to CWD from elk, mule deer, or white-tailed deer sources after experimental inoculation. Most importantly, non-inoculated reindeer that were co-housed with infected reindeer or housed in pens adjacent to infected reindeer but without the potential for nose-to-nose contact also developed evidence of CWD infection. This is a major new finding that may have a great impact on the recently diagnosed case of CWD in the only remaining free-ranging reindeer population in Europe as our findings imply that horizontal transmission to other reindeer within that herd has already occurred. Further, this information will help regulatory and wildlife officials developing plans to reduce or eliminate CWD and cervid farmers that want to ensure that their herd remains CWD-free, but were previously unsure of the potential for reindeer to transmit CWD. Technical Abstract: Chronic wasting disease (CWD) is a naturally-occurring, fatal prion disease of cervids. Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) are susceptible to CWD following oral challenge, and CWD was recently reported in a free-ranging reindeer of Norway. Potential contact between CWD-affected cervids and Rangifer species that are free-ranging or co-housed on farms presents a potential risk of CWD transmission. The aims of this study were to 1) investigate the transmission of CWD from white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus; CWDwtd), mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus; CWDmd), or elk (Cervus elaphus nelsoni; CWDelk) to reindeer via the intracranial route, and 2) to assess for direct and indirect horizontal transmission to non-inoculated sentinels. Three groups of 5 reindeer fawns were challenged intracranially with CWDwtd, CWDmd, or CWDelk. Two years after challenge of inoculated reindeer, non-inoculated negative control reindeer were introduced into the same pen as the CWDwtd inoculated reindeer (direct contact; n=4) or into a pen adjacent to the CWDmd inoculated reindeer (indirect contact; n=2). Experimentally inoculated reindeer were allowed to develop clinical disease. At death/euthanasia a complete necropsy examination was performed, including immunohistochemical testing of tissues for disease-associated CWD prion protein (PrPcwd). Intracranially challenged reindeer developed clinical disease from 21 months post-inoculation (months PI). PrPcwd was detected in 5 out of 6 sentinel reindeer although only 2 out of 6 developed clinical disease during the study period (< 57 months PI). We have shown that reindeer are susceptible to CWD from various cervid sources and can transmit CWD to naïve reindeer both directly and indirectly. Monday, September 05, 2016 *** Pathological features of chronic wasting disease in reindeer and demonstration of horizontal transmission Major Findings for Norway ***

Monday, September 05, 2016
Pathological features of chronic wasting disease in reindeer and demonstration of horizontal transmission Major Findings for Norway
What is the risk of a cervid TSE being introduced from Norway into Great Britain? Qualitative Risk Assessment September 2016
Modeled Impacts of Chronic Wasting Disease on White-Tailed Deer in a Semi-Arid Environment

Monday, May 02, 2016
*** Zoonotic Potential of CWD Prions: An Update Prion 2016 Tokyo
*** SCRAPIE WS-01: Prion diseases in animals and zoonotic potential 2016
Monday, August 29, 2016
Sunday, August 28, 2016
NOTICE: Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) Program Standards - Review and Comment By November 15, 2016
USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service sent this bulletin at 11/01/2016 10:30 AM EDT
United States Department of Agriculture’s APHIS Veterinary Services (VS) has released the Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) Program Standards Working Group Summary Document for review and comment. This document summarizes the work of a 12-member working group that included representatives from the farmed cervid industry, State animal health and wildlife officials, a prion science specialist, and VS representatives. The group met in person for 3 days and continued discussions over a series of six conference calls.
The objectives of the working group were to identify changes that APHIS should consider for the CWD Program Standards and to describe additional options to consider for compliance with 9 CFR 55 and 81. Specific discussion topics included clarifying the purpose of the program standards, certified herd surveillance and compliance requirements, definitions, CWD susceptible species, ante-mortem testing, carcass disposal, epidemiology investigations and reporting, indemnity prioritization, and requirements for interstate transport of wild-caught cervids.
The full text of the document may be found on the Cervid Health website:
Please submit written feedback by November 15, 2016 to:
VS will use the working group summary and stakeholder comments to revise the current CWD Program Standards by early 2017. The revised program standards will then be published in the Federal Register for comment prior to release. ***
Greetings USDA, APHIS, et al,
>>> Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) Program Standards Working Group Summary Document for review and comment.
i would kindly like to comment please. my comments as follows ;
i am greatly concerned that not enough has been done to contain and stop the spread of Chronic Wasting Disease CWD from state to state, due to differences from state to state with how they handle chronic wasting disease cwd tse prion disease. if we all don't get on the same page, with mandatory regulations, not volunteer, i think efforts to contain cwd will be futile.
we see now from Norway, and the discovery now of 5 cases of CWD TSE Prion in cervids, and the recent work by ARS showing horizontal transmission, and other recent studies showing scrapie transmission casual contact with objects, and the fact that Scrapie has been shown to be infectious still after 16 years in the soil, we must all be on the same page with science and regulations there from, from state to state. Transportation of the CWD TSE Prion via a multitude of routes and source via transportation is a real threat, from trucks to trailers, to the soil on the tires and the soil on your boots, trucking CWD is a very real risk factor.
i also am very concerned about CWD transmission to other species in the wild such as the feline, canine, rodents, as well as Humans.
CWD transmission to humans as sporadic CJD and or other strange mutations of the human tse prion is a real risk factor, and from the PRION 2014, PRION 2015, and PRION 2016 Conferences and science there from show that indeed human risk factor from CWD TSE Prion is very real, and may have already happened as sporadic CJD. I URGE governing bodies and the OIE to act very quickly on these scientific findings. ...see full text submission ;

Wednesday, November 09, 2016

Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) Program Standards - Review and Comment By Terry S Singeltary Sr. November 9, 2016

kind regards, terry


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