IMPORTANT: Cervid Industry and State Veterinarians on Rewriting Chronic
Wasting Disease Rule
USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service sent this bulletin at
04/01/2013 01:40 PM EDT
During its regularly scheduled conference call with USDA officials, the
National Assembly of State Animal Health Officials discussed the progress that
has been made by the Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) Program Standards Working
Because members of the working group represent varied interests, it has
been difficult for the group to reach consensus.
Further, Federal dollars to support the CWD program have dramatically
decreased, leaving limited options for managing the program.
USDA recognizes that producers have continued concerns about the language
in the program standards and the provisions of the CWD interim final rule. Dr.
John Clifford, Deputy Administrator, APHIS Veterinary Services, does not support
withdrawing the rule or developing a separate industry program; however, he
agreed on the conference call to listen to the concerns of stakeholders.
CWD in Farmed Herds
Voluntary National CWD Herd Certification
Program |
The APHIS National CWD Herd Certification
Program (HCP) is designed to be a voluntary federal -state- industry cooperative
program administered by APHIS and implemented by participating states. The 2012
interim final CWD rule published in the Federal
Register on June 13, 2012 addresses
the needs of the farmed cervid industry and concerns of State animal health and
wildlife partners, and establishes the national voluntary CWD HCP. This program
was developed in coordination with States and the farmed cervid industry. States
may apply to become an Approved State HCP if they meet (or exceed) national
program requirements. Cervid owners can enroll and participate in their Approved
State CWD HCP. Based on availability of appropriated funding, APHIS may provide
for herd owner enrollment directly in the national program if no Approved State
CWD HCP exists in that herd owner's State. National CWD HCP requirements include
fencing, individual animal ID's, regular inventories, and testing of all animals
over 12 months that die for any reason. With each year of successful
surveillance, participating herds will advance in status until reaching five
years with no evidence of CWD, at which time herds are certified as being low
risk for CWD. Interstate movement of animals will be dependent on participation
in the program, maintaining compliance with program requirements, and having
achieved herd certification status. A copy of the CWD Program
Standards is available for
further details on the National CWD HCP.
The 2012 interim final rule for the Chronic
Wasting Disease Herd Certification Program and Interstate Movement of Farmed or
Captive Deer, Elk, and Moose is available through this website link to the
Federal Register. Several states already have CWD monitoring or certification
programs for captive herds. To find out more about your state's activities
related to CWD, visit the State Information page for links to state agriculture agencies or go to
the CWD Alliance website at
Summary of Nationwide Chronic Wasting Disease
Testing in Farmed/Captive Cervids:
Since 1998 samples from farmed/captive cervids
have been tested with assistance from APHIS as concerns continued to build for
the risk of introduction and transmission of CWD in farmed cervid herds. By
mid-2012, 55 cervid herds in 11 States were reported to be CWD positive. View a
graph of annual totals of CWD surveillance in farmed/captive
cervid herds and a map depicting states with CWD in farmed/captive cervid
Listing of Approved State CWD
Herd Certification Programs (HCPs)
SUMMARY: We are amending a final rule, which will take effect when these
amendments become effective, that will establish a herd certification program to
control chronic wasting disease (CWD) in farmed or captive cervids in the United
States. Under that rule, owners of deer, elk, and moose herds who choose to
participate in the CWD Herd Certification Program would have to follow
requirements for animal identification, testing, herd management, and movement
of animals into and from herds. This document amends that final rule to provide
that our regulations will set minimum requirements for the interstate movement
of farmed or captive deer, elk, and moose but will not preempt State or local
laws or regulations that are more restrictive than our regulations. This
document requests public comment on that change. This document also amends the
final rule to require farmed or captive deer, elk, and moose to participate in
the Herd Certification Program and to be monitored for CWD for 5 years before
they can move interstate, clarify our herd inventory procedures, establish an
optional protocol for confirmatory DNA testing of CWD-positive samples, add a
requirement to continue testing cervids that are killed or sent to slaughter
from Certified herds, and make several other changes. These actions will help to
control the incidence of CWD in farmed or captive cervid herds and prevent its
spread. DATES: Effective Date: This interim final rule is effective August 13,
2012. Additionally, the effective date of FR Doc 06–6367, published on July 21,
2006 (71 FR 41682–41707), and delayed by FR Doc E6–14861, published on September
8, 2006 (71 FR 52983), is now August 13, 2012. Compliance Date:
see full text ;
Chronic Wasting Disease Program Standards July 2012
Chronic Wasting Disease—Program Standards 1 Introduction These Program
Standards will be reviewed at least annually by representatives of the cervid
industry and appropriate State and Federal agencies. A notice may be published
in the Federal Register to inform stakeholders of any revisions APHIS plans to
the Program Standards. These Program Standards also may be amended in the future
by replacing pages or by adding new pages. Part A. Herd Certification Program
These Program Standards are the minimum standards adopted and approved by the
Deputy Administrator, Veterinary Services (VS), Animal and Plant Health
Inspection Service (APHIS), United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). They
were established for three primary purposes: 1. To assist Federal and State
agencies in maintaining CWD-certified herds of deer, elk, and moose (all
Odocoileus spp. and Cervus spp. and their hybrids and Alces alces). 2. To
provide guidance on procedures to certify herds as a low risk for CWD by
remaining in continuous compliance with the CWD Herd Certification Program
requirements found in 9 CFR Part 55. 3. To provide guidance on complying with
the minimum requirements for interstate movement of cervids found in 9 CFR Part
81. Part B. Guidance on Response to CWD-Affected Herds The CWD regulations at 9
CFR part 55 describe minimum requirements in response to the finding of a
CWD-affected herd in accordance with the national CWD HCP. This section further
provides suggested best management practices that may be used by a State and
herd owner to investigate and manage CWD-affected herds, including quarantine,
depopulation, cleaning and decontamination, and herd plans.
snip...see full text ;
see state CWD programs ;
"it‘s no longer its business.”
problem solved $$$...TSS
Sunday, January 06, 2013
USDA TO PGC ONCE CAPTIVES ESCAPE "it‘s no longer its business.”
Monday, March 18, 2013
ANIMAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION September 29 – October 5, 2011
see updated 2012 RESOLUTIONS
Friday, December 14, 2012
DEFRA U.K. What is the risk of Chronic Wasting Disease CWD being introduced
into Great Britain? A Qualitative Risk Assessment October 2012
In the USA, under the Food and Drug Administration’s BSE Feed Regulation
(21 CFR 589.2000) most material (exceptions include milk, tallow, and gelatin)
from deer and elk is prohibited for use in feed for ruminant animals. With
regards to feed for non-ruminant animals, under FDA law, CWD positive deer may
not be used for any animal feed or feed ingredients. For elk and deer considered
at high risk for CWD, the FDA recommends that these animals do not enter the
animal feed system. However, this recommendation is guidance and not a
requirement by law.
Animals considered at high risk for CWD include:
1) animals from areas declared to be endemic for CWD and/or to be CWD
eradication zones and
2) deer and elk that at some time during the 60-month period prior to
slaughter were in a captive herd that contained a CWD-positive animal.
Therefore, in the USA, materials from cervids other than CWD positive
animals may be used in animal feed and feed ingredients for non-ruminants.
The amount of animal PAP that is of deer and/or elk origin imported from
the USA to GB can not be determined, however, as it is not specified in TRACES.
It may constitute a small percentage of the 8412 kilos of non-fish origin
processed animal proteins that were imported from US into GB in 2011.
Overall, therefore, it is considered there is a __greater than negligible
risk___ that (nonruminant) animal feed and pet food containing deer and/or elk
protein is imported into GB.
There is uncertainty associated with this estimate given the lack of data
on the amount of deer and/or elk protein possibly being imported in these
36% in 2007 (Almberg et al., 2011). In such areas, population declines of
deer of up to 30 to 50% have been observed (Almberg et al., 2011). In areas of
Colorado, the prevalence can be as high as 30% (EFSA, 2011).
The clinical signs of CWD in affected adults are weight loss and
behavioural changes that can span weeks or months (Williams, 2005). In addition,
signs might include excessive salivation, behavioural alterations including a
fixed stare and changes in interaction with other animals in the herd, and an
altered stance (Williams, 2005). These signs are indistinguishable from cervids
experimentally infected with bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE).
Given this, if CWD was to be introduced into countries with BSE such as GB,
for example, infected deer populations would need to be tested to differentiate
if they were infected with CWD or BSE to minimise the risk of BSE entering the
human food-chain via affected venison.
The rate of transmission of CWD has been reported to be as high as 30% and
can approach 100% among captive animals in endemic areas (Safar et al., 2008).
In summary, in endemic areas, there is a medium probability that the soil
and surrounding environment is contaminated with CWD prions and in a
bioavailable form. In rural areas where CWD has not been reported and deer are
present, there is a greater than negligible risk the soil is contaminated with
CWD prion.
In summary, given the volume of tourists, hunters and servicemen moving
between GB and North America, the probability of at least one person travelling
to/from a CWD affected area and, in doing so, contaminating their clothing,
footwear and/or equipment prior to arriving in GB is greater than negligible.
For deer hunters, specifically, the risk is likely to be greater given the
increased contact with deer and their environment. However, there is significant
uncertainty associated with these estimates.
Therefore, it is considered that farmed and park deer may have a higher
probability of exposure to CWD transferred to the environment than wild deer
given the restricted habitat range and higher frequency of contact with tourists
and returning GB residents.
Friday, December 14, 2012
DEFRA U.K. What is the risk of Chronic Wasting Disease CWD being introduced
into Great Britain? A Qualitative Risk Assessment October 2012
please note, I do not know how much of this 125 TONS of banned mad cow
protein was part of the ;
e) "Big Jim's" BBB Deer Ration, Big Buck Blend, Recall # V-104-6;
bbbut, this was about 10 years post mad cow feed ban from 1997. 10 years
later, and still feeding banned mad cow protein to cervids???
considering that .005 gram is lethal to several bovines, and we know that
the oral consumption of CWD tainted products is very efficient mode of
transmission of CWD.
TONS Products manufactured from 02/01/2005 until 06/06/2006
Date: August 6, 2006 at 6:16 pm PST
a) CO-OP 32% Sinking Catfish, Recall # V-100-6;
b) Performance Sheep Pell W/Decox/A/N, medicated, net wt. 50 lbs, Recall #
c) Pro 40% Swine Conc Meal -- 50 lb, Recall # V-102-6;
d) CO-OP 32% Sinking Catfish Food Medicated, Recall # V-103-6;
***e) "Big Jim's" BBB Deer Ration, Big Buck Blend, Recall # V-104-6;
f) CO-OP 40% Hog Supplement Medicated Pelleted, Tylosin 100 grams/ton, 50
lb. bag, Recall # V-105-6;
g) Pig Starter Pell II, 18% W/MCDX Medicated 282020, Carbadox -- 0.0055%,
Recall # V-106-6;
h) CO-OP STARTER-GROWER CRUMBLES, Complete Feed for Chickens from Hatch to
20 Weeks, Medicated, Bacitracin Methylene Disalicylate, 25 and 50 Lbs, Recall #
i) CO-OP LAYING PELLETS, Complete Feed for Laying Chickens, Recall # 108-6;
j) CO-OP LAYING CRUMBLES, Recall # V-109-6;
l) CO-OP QUAIL STARTER MEDICATED, Net Wt. 50 Lbs, Recall # V-111-6;
m) CO-OP QUAIL GROWER MEDICATED, 50 Lbs, Recall # V-112-6
Product manufactured from 02/01/2005 until 06/06/2006
Alabama Farmers Cooperative, Inc., Decatur, AL, by telephone, fax, email
and visit on June 9, 2006. FDA initiated recall is complete.
Animal and fish feeds which were possibly contaminated with ruminant based
protein not labeled as "Do not feed to ruminants".
125 tons
AL and FL
10,000,000 lbs banned blood laced meat and bone meal mbm 2007
pens, PENS, PENS ???
*** Spraker suggested an interesting explanation for the occurrence of CWD.
The deer pens at the Foot Hills Campus were built some 30-40 years ago by a Dr.
Bob Davis. At or abut that time, allegedly, some scrapie work was conducted at
this site. When deer were introduced to the pens they occupied ground that had
previously been occupied by sheep.
now, decades later ;
PO-039: A comparison of scrapie and chronic wasting disease in white-tailed
Justin Greenlee, Jodi Smith, Eric Nicholson US Dept. Agriculture;
Agricultural Research Service, National Animal Disease Center; Ames, IA USA
Interspecies transmission studies afford the opportunity to better
understand the potential host range and origins of prion diseases. The purpose
of these experiments was to determine susceptibility of white-tailed deer (WTD)
to scrapie and to compare the resultant clinical signs, lesions, and molecular
profiles of PrPSc to those of chronic wasting disease (CWD). We inoculated WTD
intracranially (IC; n = 5) and by a natural route of exposure (concurrent oral
and intranasal (IN); n = 5) with a US scrapie isolate. All deer were inoculated
with a 10% (wt/vol) brain homogenate from sheep with scrapie (1ml IC, 1 ml IN,
30 ml oral). All deer inoculated by the intracranial route had evidence of PrPSc
accumulation. PrPSc was detected in lymphoid tissues as early as 7
months-post-inoculation (PI) and a single deer that was necropsied at 15.6
months had widespread distribution of PrPSc highlighting that PrPSc is widely
distributed in the CNS and lymphoid tissues prior to the onset of clinical
signs. IC inoculated deer necropsied after 20 months PI (3/5) had clinical
signs, spongiform encephalopathy, and widespread distribution of PrPSc in neural
and lymphoid tissues. The results of this study suggest that there are many
similarities in the manifestation of CWD and scrapie in WTD after IC inoculation
including early and widespread presence of PrPSc in lymphoid tissues, clinical
signs of depression and weight loss progressing to wasting, and an incubation
time of 21-23 months. Moreover, western blots (WB) done on brain material from
the obex region have a molecular profile similar to CWD and distinct from
tissues of the cerebrum or the scrapie inoculum. However, results of microscopic
and IHC examination indicate that there are differences between the lesions
expected in CWD and those that occur in deer with scrapie: amyloid plaques were
not noted in any sections of brain examined from these deer and the pattern of
immunoreactivity by IHC was diffuse rather than plaque-like. After a natural
route of exposure, 100% of WTD were susceptible to scrapie. Deer developed
clinical signs of wasting and mental depression and were necropsied from 28 to
33 months PI. Tissues from these deer were positive for PrPSc by IHC and WB.
Similar to IC inoculated deer, samples from these deer exhibited two different
molecular profiles: samples from obex resembled CWD whereas those from cerebrum
were similar to the original scrapie inoculum. On further examination by WB
using a panel of antibodies, the tissues from deer with scrapie exhibit
properties differing from tissues either from sheep with scrapie or WTD with
CWD. Samples from WTD with CWD or sheep with scrapie are strongly immunoreactive
when probed with mAb P4, however, samples from WTD with scrapie are only weakly
immunoreactive. In contrast, when probed with mAb’s 6H4 or SAF 84, samples from
sheep with scrapie and WTD with CWD are weakly immunoreactive and samples from
WTD with scrapie are strongly positive. This work demonstrates that WTD are
highly susceptible to sheep scrapie, but on first passage, scrapie in WTD is
differentiable from CWD.
*** After a natural route of exposure, 100% of white-tailed deer were
susceptible to scrapie.
Scrapie in Deer: Comparisons and Contrasts to Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD)
Justin J. Greenlee of the Virus and Prion Diseases Research Unit, National
Animal Disease Center, ARS, USDA, Ames, IA provided a presentation on scrapie
and CWD in inoculated deer. Interspecies transmission studies afford the
opportunity to better understand the potential host range and origins of prion
diseases. We inoculated white-tailed deer intracranially (IC) and by a natural
route of exposure (concurrent oral and intranasal inoculation) with a US scrapie
isolate. All deer inoculated by the intracranial route had evidence of PrPSc
accumulation and those necropsied after 20 months post-inoculation (PI) (3/5)
had clinical signs, spongiform encephalopathy, and widespread distribution of
PrPSc in neural and lymphoid tissues. A single deer that was necropsied at 15.6
months PI did not have clinical signs, but had widespread distribution of PrPSc.
This highlights the facts that 1) prior to the onset of clinical signs PrPSc is
widely distributed in the CNS and lymphoid tissues and 2) currently used
diagnostic methods are sufficient to detect PrPSc prior to the onset of clinical
signs. The results of this study suggest that there are many similarities in the
manifestation of CWD and scrapie in white-tailed deer after IC inoculation
including early and widespread presence of PrPSc in lymphoid tissues, clinical
signs of depression and weight loss progressing to wasting, and an incubation
time of 21-23 months. Moreover, western blots (WB) done on brain material from
the obex region have a molecular profile consistent with CWD and distinct from
tissues of the cerebrum or the scrapie inoculum. However, results of microscopic
and IHC examination indicate that there are differences between the lesions
expected in CWD and those that occur in deer with scrapie: amyloid plaques were
not noted in any sections of brain examined from these deer and the pattern of
immunoreactivity by IHC was diffuse rather than plaque-like. After a natural
route of exposure, 100% of white-tailed deer were susceptible to scrapie. Deer
developed clinical signs of wasting and mental depression and were necropsied
from 28 to 33 months PI. Tissues from these deer were positive for scrapie by
IHC and WB. Tissues with PrPSc immunoreactivity included brain, tonsil,
retropharyngeal and mesenteric lymph nodes, hemal node, Peyer’s patches, and
spleen. While two WB patterns have been detected in brain regions of deer
inoculated by the natural route, unlike the IC inoculated deer, the pattern
similar to the scrapie inoculum predominates.
Committee Business:
The Committee discussed and approved three resolutions regarding CWD. They
can be found in the report of the Reswolutions Committee. Essentially the
resolutions urged USDA-APHIS-VS to:
Continue to provide funding for CWD testing of captive cervids
Finalize and publish the national CWD rule for Herd Certification and
Interstate Movement
Evaluate live animal test, including rectal mucosal biopsy, for CWD in
2011 Annual Report
2011 Annual Report
In Objective 1, Assess cross-species transmissibility of transmissible
spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) in livestock and wildlife, numerous
experiments assessing the susceptibility of various TSEs in different host
species were conducted. Most notable is deer inoculated with scrapie, which
exhibits similarities to chronic wasting disease (CWD) in deer suggestive of
sheep scrapie as an origin of CWD.
4.Accomplishments 1. Deer inoculated with domestic isolates of sheep
scrapie. Scrapie-affected deer exhibit 2 different patterns of disease
associated prion protein. In some regions of the brain the pattern is much like
that observed for scrapie, while in others it is more like chronic wasting
disease (CWD), the transmissible spongiform encephalopathy typically associated
with deer. This work conducted by ARS scientists at the National Animal Disease
Center, Ames, IA suggests that an interspecies transmission of sheep scrapie to
deer may have been the origin of CWD. This is important for husbandry practices
with both captive deer, elk and sheep for farmers and ranchers attempting to
keep their herds and flocks free of CWD and scrapie.
White-tailed Deer are Susceptible to Scrapie by Natural Route of Infection
Jodi D. Smith, Justin J. Greenlee, and Robert A. Kunkle; Virus and Prion
Research Unit, National Animal Disease Center, USDA-ARS
Interspecies transmission studies afford the opportunity to better
understand the potential host range and origins of prion diseases. Previous
experiments demonstrated that white-tailed deer are susceptible to sheep-derived
scrapie by intracranial inoculation. The purpose of this study was to determine
susceptibility of white-tailed deer to scrapie after a natural route of
exposure. Deer (n=5) were inoculated by concurrent oral (30 ml) and intranasal
(1 ml) instillation of a 10% (wt/vol) brain homogenate derived from a sheep
clinically affected with scrapie. Non-inoculated deer were maintained as
negative controls. All deer were observed daily for clinical signs. Deer were
euthanized and necropsied when neurologic disease was evident, and tissues were
examined for abnormal prion protein (PrPSc) by immunohistochemistry (IHC) and
western blot (WB). One animal was euthanized 15 months post-inoculation (MPI)
due to an injury. At that time, examination of obex and lymphoid tissues by IHC
was positive, but WB of obex and colliculus were negative. Remaining deer
developed clinical signs of wasting and mental depression and were necropsied
from 28 to 33 MPI. Tissues from these deer were positive for scrapie by IHC and
WB. Tissues with PrPSc immunoreactivity included brain, tonsil, retropharyngeal
and mesenteric lymph nodes, hemal node, Peyer’s patches, and spleen. This work
demonstrates for the first time that white-tailed deer are susceptible to sheep
scrapie by potential natural routes of inoculation. In-depth analysis of tissues
will be done to determine similarities between scrapie in deer after
intracranial and oral/intranasal inoculation and chronic wasting disease
resulting from similar routes of inoculation.
see full text ;
how many states have $465,000., and can quarantine and purchase there from,
each cwd said infected farm, but how many states can afford this for all the cwd
infected cervid game ranch type farms ???
? game farms in a state X $465,000., do all these game farms have insurance
to pay for this risk of infected the wild cervid herds, in each state ???
how many game farms, are too many game farms ?
when you have states handing out shooting pen permits like candy on
halloween, just to advance their coffers, then other states wanting to do the
same thing, with most all of them ignoring the science on shooting pens and cwd,
what do you expect is going to happen.
when is enough, enough ?
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Update DECEMBER 2011
The CWD infection rate was nearly 80%, the highest ever in a North American
captive herd.
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board approve the purchase of 80 acres of land for
$465,000 for the Statewide Wildlife Habitat Program in Portage County and
approve the restrictions on public use of the site.
Form 1100-001
(R 2/11)
SUBJECT: Information Item: Almond Deer Farm Update
TO BE PRESENTED BY TITLE: Tami Ryan, Wildlife Health Section Chief
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Pennsylvania CWD number of deer exposed and farms there from much greater
than first thought
Published: Wednesday, October 17, 2012, 10:44 PM Updated: Wednesday,
October 17, 2012, 11:33 PM
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
PA Captive deer from CWD-positive farm roaming free
HERE, we see why these shooting pen owners some much like the USDA
oversight of these game farms ;
USDA TO PGC ONCE CAPTIVES ESCAPE "it‘s no longer its business.”
problem solved $$$...TSS
Sunday, January 06, 2013
USDA TO PGC ONCE CAPTIVES ESCAPE "it‘s no longer its business.”
what happened to the PA deer from the CWD index heard that went to
Louisiana ???
or Indiana ???
Saturday, July 07, 2012
TEXAS Animal Health Commission Accepting Comments on Chronic Wasting
Disease Rule Proposal
Considering the seemingly high CWD prevalence rate in the Sacramento and
Hueco Mountains of New Mexico, CWD may be well established in the population and
in the environment in Texas at this time.
Friday, October 12, 2012
Texas Animal Health Commission (TAHC) is Now Accepting Comments on Rule
Proposals for “Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD)”
TO:; Texas Animal Health Commission (TAHC)
The potential impact of prion diseases on human health was greatly
magnified by the recognition that interspecies transfer of BSE to humans by beef
ingestion resulted in vCJD. While changes in animal feed constituents and
slaughter practices appear to have curtailed vCJD, there is concern that CWD of
free-ranging deer and elk in the U.S. might also cross the species barrier.
Thus, consuming venison could be a source of human prion disease. Whether BSE
and CWD represent interspecies scrapie transfer or are newly arisen prion
diseases is unknown. Therefore, the possibility of transmission of prion disease
through other food animals cannot be ruled out. There is evidence that vCJD can
be transmitted through blood transfusion. There is likely a pool of unknown size
of asymptomatic individuals infected with vCJD, and there may be asymptomatic
individuals infected with the CWD equivalent. These circumstances represent a
potential threat to blood, blood products, and plasma supplies.
Friday, November 09, 2012
*** Chronic Wasting Disease CWD in cervidae and transmission to other
Sunday, November 11, 2012
*** Susceptibilities of Nonhuman Primates to Chronic Wasting Disease
November 2012
Friday, December 14, 2012
Susceptibility Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) in wild cervids to Humans 2005
- December 14, 2012
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
A Growing Threat How deer breeding could put public trust wildlife at risk
Tuesday, April 02, 2013
Ind. panel votes to allow fenced deer preserves 'shooting pens'
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